Attention is also given to the reception and use of these texts in later historical periods including contemporary religious contexts. (May be repeated for credit as long as the topic is not the same.). It is a service-learning course. The UNO Women’s and Gender Studies Program empowers individuals and communities through the collaborative work of students and faculty, who together study and explore all women’s lives and all constructions of gender across time, place, and culture, using a feminist lens. This course provides a capstone experience in women's studies. (Cross-listed with PSCI 8105, PSCI 3100, WGST 8105). Introduces the basic concepts and terminology of women's and gender studies. This course is designed for students in the final stage of the Gender and Leadership Certificate. Distribution: Humanities and Fine Arts General Education course and U.S. Diversity General Education course, WGST 2030 INTRODUCTORY TOPICS IN WOMEN'S STUDIES (3 credits). The nature of space, of gender, and of work, are examined. WGST 4960 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3 credits). Junior standing or permission. A study of designated specific topics in literature. No more than 6 hours of independent study may be used towards the minor. give now . Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ENGL 1150 is recommended. This course explores the characterization of women in Hebrew and Christian scriptures as well as what we can learn about the lives of women in the ancient world from these and other sources. For the Women's and Gender Studies major this is WGST 4010. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Will vary depending on what the topic is. WGST 4930 SPECIAL TOPICS IN GENDER AND ART HISTORY (1-3 credits). The focus is on contemporary perspectives on women in American political ideas and behavior. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): English major or permission of instructor. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): PSCI 2500 is recommended. (Cross-listed with RELI 3130). The official athletics website for the University of New Orleans Privateers. (Cross-listed with PHIL 3490). About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. May be repeated for credit as long as topic differs. This collection is awaiting content. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies, Student Success and Academic Support Services, Women’s and Gender Studies, Bachelor of Arts, College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media, College of Information Science & Technology, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES: SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES: HUMANITIES, GENDER AND LEADERSHIP CAPSTONE: COMMUNITY ACTION PROJECT, BLACK WOMEN LEADERS IN LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, Non-profit volunteer and training coordinator. A survey of American and Canadian women writers who explore issues of settlement, land use, cultural displacement, and survival in western territories, states, and provinces. This is a service learning course. Readings span 19th and 20th-Century literacy and reflect the cultural diversity of the American and Canadian wests. The unfinished business of our time Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Courses presented for credit toward the minor or major, or toward the Gender and Leadership Certificate, must have been taught by a member of the Women's and Gender Studies faculty. Women’s and Gender Studies is a liberal arts degree. All Women Recycling (AWR) is a small business, based in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, that has created a unique product to address local social and environmental challenges. Director of Development, UNO College of Arts and Sciences. Students should select WGST electives in consultation with their major adviser. A variety of topics primarily for the non-major. women must get half of the share of their parents’ property. Activities focus on practical experience in an organization that will allow students to exercise, observe, and later share lessons with classmates about leadership qualities and skills. WGST 4270 WOMEN WRITERS OF THE WEST (3 credits). David Belieu. Examines challenges to traditional definitions of women's place and movements for change. This course studies scholarship on and the practices of gender and leadership for undergraduate students. Students should consult each term's class schedule in order to determine the specific topics for that term. Students learn from a multidisciplinary faculty drawn from across campus; each instructor has applied and been admitted to the Women’s and Gender Studies faculty. UNO faculty members who teach in the Women's and Gender Studies program come from … UNO AA is an organization focused on strengthening connections with more than 100,000 UNO alumni, students and friends from all over the world. These courses are available on demand year-round in various learning modalities and can be customized to fit the needs of a specific audience. Some students pursue advanced degrees in law, nursing, and occupational therapy. Distribution: Global Diversity General Education course, WGST 3390 WOMEN, CRIME AND JUSTICE (3 credits), This course focuses on women's experiences in the criminal justice system. We are dedicated to recognizing and affirming the diversity of women’s experiences based on race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, ability and age. Distribution: U.S. Diversity General Education course, WGST 3120 WOMEN AND THE BIBLE (3 credits). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior or permission of instructor. WGST 4150 GEOGRAPHY, GENDER AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (3 credits). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST 2010 or WGST 2020 and either WGST 3020 or WGST 4030, WGST 4120 BLACK WOMEN LEADERS IN LIBERATION MOVEMENTS (3 credits), This course studies scholarship on race, gender, and leadership with a specific focus on African and African descended women's roles in liberation movements in the U.S. and worldwide. Referrals came from throughout the Australian state of Victoria (population: 4.7 million), predominantly through courts, community correctional services, police, and medical practitioners. This course introduces students to the political struggle for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) equal rights in the United States using a model of political empowerment, which may be applied for all minority or identity groups and social movements, generating operationalized measures of progress toward the loci of political power. Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies IWES is a translational public health organization, having strong ties and established relationships with the community at a grassroots level, while working closely in partnership with local, state, and federal academic institutions, public health entities, and policymakers. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST 2010 or WGST 2020, WGST 3050 WOMEN IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY & CULTURE: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE (3 credits), This course discusses the history of women in Russia beginning from early Russia (10th Century) to the present. Objective To evaluate age-dependent productivity loss caused by menstruation-related symptoms, measured in absenteeism (time away from work or school) and presenteeism (productivity loss while present at work or school). Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) plus top hat for HIV-infected women with endocervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Kenya. Specifics will be announced when the course is offered. Women’s and Gender Studies Program Director 402.554.3834 WGST 4130 GENDER & LEADING SOCIAL CHANGE (3 credits). Cross listed with WGST 4910/WGST 8916 when topics are appropriate to Women's and Gender Studies. The series features original research commissioned for UN Women publications and other activities by leading researchers from different national and regional contexts. (Cross-listed with ENGL 4250). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST 2010 and WGST 2020, enrollment either as a WGST major or minor or as a BGS concentration in WGST, a 3.0 GPA, and permission of instructor. Home > CAS: ... Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Publications . WGST 3020 PERSPECTIVES ON LEADERSHIP (3 credits). Permission of instructor is required. Our interdisciplinary faculty teach a curriculum that emphasizes the intersections of gender with race/ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic class, ability levels, sexuality, and additional dimensions of difference. It is open to seniors who have completed five courses in women's studies, including WGST 2010 and WGST 2020, with a 'C' or better; others may enroll with permission. Studies suggest that pregnant women might be at increased risk for severe illness associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1,2).This report provides updated information about symptomatic women of reproductive age (15–44 years) with laboratory-confirmed infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Credit in courses on Women's and Gender Studies, to be approved by the Director of Women's and Gender Studies, for a total of 18 credit hours with a 2.0 grade point average, to include at least six credit hours at the 3000 level or above. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): To be determined by the instructor based upon the preparation required for an adequate understanding of the material of the course. An advanced seminar focused on links among geography, gender and work, emphasizing leadership and entrepreneurship. (May be repeated for credit as long as the topic is different.). It prepares students for a wide variety of career and avocational paths. The requirements of the minor are as follows: Interested students can contact the Director of the Women's and Gender Studies Program through the College of Liberal Arts office or email the Director. Iota Iota Iota (Triota) is a club and honorary society that recognizes excellence in Women's and Gender Studies. The cases were assessed by one or more of the authors. Customized. (Cross-listed with ENGL 8276 and ENGL 4270). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ENGL 1150 and 1160 or equivalent; ENGL 2410 recommended. In the recent time, female children Graduates of this program are employed in non-profit organizations and small businesses, the local arts community and counseling. WGST 3000 SPECIAL TOPICS IN LITERATURE (1-3 credits), Special Topics in Literature (1-3). WGST 2010 INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES: SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE (3 credits). WGST 3490 GENDER AND PHILOSOPHY (3 credits). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Variable according to topic. Distribution: U.S. Diversity General Education course and Social Science General Education course, WGST 2020 INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES: HUMANITIES (3 credits). WGST 4910 TOPICS IN WOMEN'S HISTORY (3 credits). Emphasis is given to topics pertinent to healthful living in today's culturally diverse, global society. ### Summary box Despite some progress over the last decade, gender inequalities persist in academic and research settings. Students will gain relevant practical experience and will integrate theory, concepts, and empirical knowledge from their classrooms with their work in the internship setting. WGST 1950 BLACK WOMEN IN AMERICA (3 credits), Examines the evolution of the social, economic, and political status of the black woman in this society, with special emphasis on her struggle for freedom and equality. 128 Followers, 154 Following, 41 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from UNO Women and Gender Studies (@uno_wgs) WGST 4070 GENDER AND LEADERSHIP CAPSTONE: COMMUNITY ACTION PROJECT (3 credits). We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality. The course will elucidate the multi-ethic and feminist/womanist perspectives reflected in literary works by examining the themes, motifs and idoms used to portray woman. In addition to a survey of leadership styles and theories, this course provides historical and contemporary perspectives of gender and leadership, barriers to women's leadership, bias, and discrimination. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ENGL 1160 and one additional course in literature or permission. Customized courses: The UN Women Training Centre continuously identifies gaps in training and responds to demands for training on new contents. In this course Beyonce’s music and career are used as lenses to explore American race, gender, and sexual politics. An illustrated lecture course dealing with a limited topic in the field of art history. This course examines the history of women in the United States from 1875 to 1992. All coursework taken for the Women’s and Gender Studies major or minor, or for the LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies minor or the Gender and Leadership Certificate, must be completed with a grade of “C-“ or better. If you would like to submit content to be added here, please contact us. Individual leadership is examined within the context of being a change agent. WGST 3600 SPECIAL TOPICS IN GENDER AND RELIGION (3 credits), The content of this course varies from semester to semester, giving instructor and students an opportunity to investigate various subjects of interest in religious studies. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior or permission. The English/Women and Gender Studies Department at the University of New Orleans on Initially a website has been developed and hosted by UN Women and it gathers all the information associated with and emerging from this initiative www.empowerwomen. The course will examine women's experiences as victims of crime, as offenders, as prisoners, and as criminal justice professionals. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior or 6 hours in PHIL or 6 hours in WGST. May be repeated for credit when topic differs. UNO Women's and Gender Studies, New Orleans, LA. The content will vary from semester to semester, according to instructor. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Permission, WGST 4990 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3 credits). A critical study of literature by and about women in which students learn about contributions of women to literature, ask what literature reveals about the identity and roles of women in various contexts, and evaluates standard interpretations from the perspectives of current research and individual experience. Our program employs the tools of different disciplines, including communication, arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and history. (Cross-listed with ENTR 4150, ENTR 8156, GEOG 4150, GEOG 8156 and WGST 8156). UNO Women's and Gender Studies Program, Omaha, Nebraska. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST 2010 and WGST 2020 or permission of instructor. No Limits is an interdisciplinary student conference on issues related to women, gender, and sexuality and is sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Programs at UNO, UNK and UNL. Either independent research or advanced readings may be pursued. WGST 3750 GENDER AND COMMUNICATION (3 credits). In addition, students pursuing the major or minor in Women’s and Gender Studies often become involved with campus organizations such as the Women’s and Gender Equity Resource Center, and Queer and Trans Services. An innovative approach to load monitoring by combining physical and technical performance analysis, taken from the players boots . Formerly ENGL4940 / ENGL 8946 Studies in Language and Literature. An individualized course of study with a member of the Women's and Gender Studies Faculty. Students learn the concepts, theories, and practices they need to enact positive change concerned with gender and sexuality. The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies is a liberal arts degree with a focus on women, gender and sexuality. In 2020, an estimated 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 48,530 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. 188 likes. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Permission from the Women's Studies director and the supervising faculty member is required. The purpose of this minor is to acquaint the student with current and historical knowledge of the fields of Women's and Gender Studies. The Women's Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1845-1865 collection represents one of three collections containing women's-related periodicals. Students develop an understanding of how cultural meanings of gender both shape and are shaped by communication. Interim Director: Dr. Doreen Piano Email: This course offers an introductory level course in Women's Studies from a topics approach. An introduction to women's and gender studies in the humanities (literature, art, dance, music, theatre, philosophy). WGST 4550 HEALTH ASPECTS OF AGING (3 credits), This course emphasizes health promotion for older adults. © 2020-2021 | Emergency Information Alert | Report a Concern. The English and Women's Studies Department at the University of New Orleans on WGST 4020 INTERNSHIP IN WOMEN'S STUDIES (1-6 credits). Not open to non-degree graduate students. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior, three hours in religion, or permission of instructor. But, it is only in writings and in the constitution. University of Nebraska Omaha, 6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182 Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST major; CRCJ or WGST minor; CRCJ 1010, ENGL 1160 and 45 credit hours; or instructor permission. Prevention or delaying of chronic diseases and disorders are emphasized. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior or senior, or graduate standing in a social science. A faculty-supervised project involving part-time employment or service with a community agency, business, non-profit organization, university or other educational unit, or another appropriate organization or setting. It is a service-learning course. The major prepares students for a wide variety of career and avocational paths. The topics selected will be consistent with faculty expertise and student needs. WGST 4050 SPECIAL TOPICS IN WOMEN'S STUDIES (3 credits). The content will vary from semester to semester, according to instructor. (For example, this course might study the image of the American businesswoman in American literature.) Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Junior standing; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25. WGST 3130 WOMEN AND POLITICS (3 credits), This course introduces students to women's political participation, including holding elective office, socialization, the feminist movement and its opposition, and public policies with particular impact on women. Women's studies Conference will be a great opportunity for present your paper and publish your research. Over 30 performance metrics - a must have for sport scientists, performance analysts, coaches, and medical teams to enhance injury risk monitoring, return to play, and player development. (Cross-listed with CMST 3750). Some are pursuing advanced degrees in law, nursing, and occupational therapy. To Rokeya, a male child gets much opportunity of education and other facilities than the female child. Minor in Women’s and Gender Studies The College of Liberal Arts administers the interdisciplinary Minor in Women's and Gender Studies. A course on selected topics offered on a one-time or occasional basis. Conference proceedings and presentations by the Women's and Gender Studies Program faculty members are collected here. Collaborative information was available usually i… The case material was drawn from referrals over an 8-year period (1993–2000) to a community forensic mental health clinic that specializes in the assessment and management of both stalkers and stalking victims. Methods Design/setting: internet-based, cross-sectional survey conducted in the Netherlands from July to October 2017. women’s land rights, women’s economic empowerment. The course examines critically the implications and conceptual grounds of literary study which have been based almost entirely on male literary experiences. Over the life course, about 1 in every 1,000 black men can expect to be killed by police. The minor signifies that the student has a basic and general understanding of existing scholarship on women and gender. (Cross-listed with HIST 4060, WGST 8066, and HIST 8066). WGST 4260 WOMEN OF COLOR WRITERS (3 credits). (Cross-listed with PHHB 3080). (Cross-listed with CRCJ 3390). (Cross-listed with WGST 8976). (Cross-listed with BLST 1950), WGST 2000 TOPICS IN GENDER, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (1-3 credits). Lab fee required. An examination of factors influencing sexual development. Graduates of this program are employed in non-profit organizations that serve women, families, and gender non-conforming people; small businesses; the arts; and counseling. Specific subjects (when offered) appear in class schedules. Since the sinking of the Titanic , there has been a widespread belief that the social norm of “women and children first” (WCF) gives women a survival advantage over men in maritime disasters, and that captains and crew members give priority to passengers. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): WGST 2010 or 2020. Especial focus will be on the use of their personal narratives to analyze the wide range of ideas in the conception and execution of leadership. It serves as the third writing course, and is required for women's studies majors. UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. Includes historical and multicultural materials. Introduces the basic concepts and terminology of women's and gender studies. All students are required to take a writing in the discipline course within their major. Specializations: Composition and Rhetoric | Creative Writing | Ethnic Studies | Great Plains Studies | Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs | Literary and Cultural Studies | Nineteenth Century Studies | Women's & Gender Studies Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Senior standing, completion of five women's studies courses, including WGST 2010 and WGST 2020, with a grade of 'C' or better; or permission. Publications by the Women's and Gender Studies Program faculty members are collected here. Course offered in English. 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