Hetaerae were companions of men in Athens. Greece was not a united country at this time but a confederacy of city-states bound together through “shared blood, shared language, shared religion, and shared customs” (Herodotus as cited in Boardman, 127). Fifth-century Athens is the Greek city-state of Athens in the time from 480 to 404 BC. The conservative party supported the aristocratic political assembly of the areopagus while the democratic faction in Athens encouraged reforms in the popular assembly known as ekklesia. Artists and sculptors, playwrights and poets, architects and philosophers all found Athens an exciting and enlivening atmosphere for their work. Many held crucial roles in the Athenian navy as rowers, due to the preference of many ancient navies to rely on free men to row their galleys. He died during the Peloponnesian War due to a plague that took the lives of about one third of the population in Athens.

When Pericles was still just a toddler, Persia attempted to conquer Greece but was defeated at Marathon. Since Taylor takes a negative view of Pericles’ influence on Athens, this ought not to be a bad thing, but Taylor condemns their weakness. (114). Because of his wise and skillful leadership, the economy of Athens thrived and the government became more democratic. Cimon had served as a diplomat between Athens and Sparta a number of times since 478 BCE and, in 465 BCE, led the Athenian contingent of 4,000 soldiers to aid Sparta in putting down a rebellion by helots. Thank you! Pericles became the leader of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War and was responsible for the rebuilding and reconstructing of this city. The significant influence of Pericles on Athenian …. - Melissa Schwartzberg, Barbarians are expelled from Gallipoli by, Kresilas sculpts the idealised portrait statue of, Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, PLUTARCH: Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans, Pericles Of Athens And The Birth Of Democracy. The Spartans sent them back to Athens in fear that the democratic ideas of Athens would take effect in Sparta. What is the nature of the universe ? We strive for accuracy and fairness. Pericles was an ideal leader. more democratic government. Why the Social Life of Athens Is So Significant . Years before Pericles entered politics, Cimon was already influential and had done a great deal of good for the people of Athens and the other city-states. He was the real founder of ‘Direct Democracy’ in Athens. Bound together by bonds of mutual trust and a shared desire for freedom, the people of Athens submit to the laws and obey the public officials not because they have to, as in other cities, but because they want to. Mark, Joshua J. During the age of Pericles, the Athenians became deeply attached to their democratic system. In his Funeral Oration, Pericles said that, “Grief is felt not so much for the want of what we have never known as for the loss of that to which we have been long accustomed” (History, II.43). Pericles turned the Delian League into an Athenian empire, and led his countrymen during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War. The Athenians and the Spartans fought for one reason only – because they were powerful and therefore were compelled to seek more power. Early accounts simply state that the Spartans did not like the look of Cimon’s soldiers. Pericles, and His Influence on Athens Pericles became the leader of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War and was responsible for the rebuilding and reconstructing of this city. In 431 B.C, war erupted in Greece as two very different Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta, fought for domination of the Greek world. All in all, some important aspects of her argument about the relation between Pericles, democracy, and the decisions of the demos in 411 remained unclear to me. Athens’ government shaped Greek democracy and provided a basis on how most of today’s governments are ruled. (117). Pericles has been credited with many accomplishments, including building the Pantheon and establishing democracy. https://www.ancient.eu/pericles/. Pericles will never be forgotten. Athens near the end also sought that help, but by that point had decayed severely. CT Standards: Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Cleisthenes had reformed the government of Athens in 507BC. Ancient History Encyclopedia. His influence on Athenian society, politics, and culture was so great that Thucydides (l. 460/455 - 399/398 BCE), his contemporary, admirer, and historian, called him "the first citizen of Athens" (History, II.65). This had forged a unique type of citizen. Athens could be the leader of the free only if she considered the welfare of others on the same level with her own. Class/Grade Level: Social Studies/6th grade Born to a wealthy family, Pericles took … When Cimon returned he was ostracized by the people of Athens and Pericles came into power in 460. City-states preferred to simply pay Athens to defend them rather than send troops and supplies for the common cause and this penchant – which Athens welcomed - made the city rich and powerful. No extant ancient Greek sources, contem- porary or otherwise, describe Athens in the time of Pericles as a utopia, with the exception of comedy satirizing Periclean Athens as a golden age. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if no social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. During the Age of Pericles, Athens blossomed as a center of education, art, culture, & democracy. The truce allowed Pericles to focus his attention on other areas. As his status grew in Athenian government, his influence on the people of Athens grew too. He read widely, showing an especial interest in philosophy, and is recognized as the first Athenian politician to attribute importance to philosophy as a practical discipline which could help guide and direct one’s thought and actions rather than a mere speculative past-time or the trade of the Sophists. See more. Whatever the reason was, in 461 BCE Pericles again charged Cimon with corruption – this time by claiming he was aiding Spartan interests – and succeeded in having his rival ostracized from the city for ten years. He led Athens to a more democratic government.d. The period in which he led Athens, in fact, has been called the Age of Pericles due to his influence, not only on his city's fortunes, but on the whole of Greek history during the 5th century BCE and even after his death. Pericles promoted the arts and literature. Once the conflict between Greece and Persia had ceased in 479 BCE, Athens found themselves following a new leader, an Athenian statesman, Pericles, who had a fervent interest in advancing Athens. Even so, his reforms would lay the groundwork for the development of later democratic political systems. Pericles, as commander-in-chief, led the Athenian forces in a number of battles but neither side could gain a significant advantage. SS6S2C2PO8— Describe scientific and cultural advancements in ancient civilizations (e.g., networks of roads, aqueducts, art and Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/pericles/. Athens began as a small, Mycenaen community and grew to become a city that, at its height, epitomized the best of Greek virtues and enjoyed such prestige that the Spartans refused to sack the city or enslave the citizens, even after Athens' defeat in the Peloponnesian War. During the Age of Pericles, Athens blossomed as a center of education, art, culture, and democracy. During the reforms of Ephialtes and Pericles around 460-450 BCE, thetes were granted the right to hold public office. This form of government was referred as an oligarchical government and was elected by Spartan citizens who were over the age of thirty. At a young age Pericles had a good education and was taught by sophists and philosophers to perfect his public speaking ability.... ...Pericles, and His Influence on Athens The life of Pericles was by far very prominent. The power of the citizens were "limited." This set a mod… (II. Young men, who were 18 years old presented themselves to officials of their deme and, having proven that they were not slaves, that their parents were Athenian, and that they were 18 years old, were enrolled in the “… Pericles describes Athenian democracy as a system of government where men advance on merit rather than on class or wealth. It was a grave insult to a man of Athens, especially a statesman, to claim a woman was responsible for his successful career and Pericles’ political enemies would focus on this charge repeatedly. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Mar 2018. He increased Athens’ power through his use of the Delian League to form the Athenian empire and led his city through the First Peloponnesian War (460-446 BCE) and the first two years of the Second Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE). The sovereignty of the people was embodied in the assembly (ecclesia), which consisted of all male citizens over... ...Pericles’ Funeral Oration: The Ignored Arrogance Cimon was the leader of the conservative party and an able military commander who had fought at Salamis in 480 BCE when the Greeks defeated the Persians. Pericles helped Athens move to a direct democracy government, which later influenced Western European nations. In the decade before 500 B.C., the Athenians established the world’s first democratic constitution. Pericles turned Athens into the cultural center of Greece. Anaxagoras, in fact, is said to have influenced Pericles’ public demeanor and acceptance of fate, especially after the death of Pericles’ sons from plague. After inheriting money as a teen, the ancient Greek statesman Pericles became a great patron of the arts.

When Pericles was still just a toddler, Persia attempted to conquer Greece but was defeated at Marathon. Certain city-states would align themselves with either Athens or Sparta, the two most powerful, depending on self-interest and this created the web of alliances which would form the opposing sides of the war. Simon Hornblower has argued that Pericles' selection of this play, which presents a nostalgic picture of Themistocles' famous victory at Salamis, shows that the young politician was supporting Themistocles against his political opponent Cimon, whose faction succeeded in having Themistocles ostracized shortly afterwards. He was a great supporter of the concept of democracy. Socrates (c. 470/469 - 399 BCE), the founder of western philosophy, also lived and taught in Athens during this period and his students – most notably Plato (428/427 - 348/347 BCE) – would go on to found their own philosophical schools and change western thought forever. thought highly improper to enslave other Greeks Cleisthenes 508 BC • Pericles’ great uncle • Used isonomia (equality) to describe his reforms of govt. 1. The period of Greek history in which he lived and reigned is rightly known as the Age of Pericles because his initiatives allowed that era to flourish. Pericles father Xanthippus was born into a family of aristocrats where as Pericles mother Agariste was a member of the Alchmaenoid family who were also involved with politics. Pericles led Athens to become more involved and …. This rational outlook has remains an important feature of Western civilization. How did conflict lead to the decline of Athens? Its administration favours the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy. These are the sources and citations used to research Pericles Influence on Athens. In 461, he assumed rule of Athens—a role he would occupy until his death. Thucydides who lived from (c. 460-c. 400 B.C) helped to contribute to our understanding of why history happened the way that it did. This helped the children to feel relaxed and comfortable which created a spirit to learn. In the speech Pericles relates the special qualities of the Athenians, redefining many traditional Greek virtues in a radical new light. He was intelligent, serious, and physically “perfect” (Hamish 18). We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Corinth, however, had a fleet and so did another ally, Aegina, which the Spartan coalition made use of. Related Content Pericles was a Greek statesman and ruled Greece for more than thirty years in the 5th century B.C. What is true education? His father, Xanthippus was a military leader during the Peloponnesian Wars and was the victor at the Battle of Mycale. He was the son of Xanthippus and Agariste. Perhaps the greatest surviving symbol of Pericles's influence in Athens is the Parthenon. Clever, tolerant, and open minded, Athenians were able to adapt... ...Athens vs. Sparta Essay He issued his so-called Congress Decree in 449 BCE inviting all the city-states to gather for talks on a unified country but when Sparta refused to attend, the initiative stalled. Pericles lived between 495 BC and 429 BC, noted as a great orator , statesman he was the founder of Athenian democracy and his ideas were crucial in the efforts that occured in the Persian and Pelo-ponessian wars and it was through Pericles and others that Greece united itself against Persia from warring city states into a single government entity. Demos is the Greek word for “village” or, as it is often translated, “deme.” The deme was the smallest administrative unit of the Athenian state, like a voting precinct or school district. The speech, recorded by Thucydides, highlights how Athenian democracy encourages personal freedom and sets the city apart from the rest as an example to all: Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Maria Montessori expanded her study of the young child, and gradually refined her approach to all child development areas through her experience and research in countries as different as Spain and India until the time of her death in 1952. This was a main reason Athens held the reputation of being the educational and cultural centre of the ancient Greek world. His successors never lived up to Pericles' ideal leadership and Athens suffered accordingly. History bears out Thucydides’ view in that, with the death of Pericles, Athens fell into an intellectual, cultural, and spiritual darkness which the Athenians would struggle with over the next 30 years, culminating in the execution of Socrates in 399 BCE. Since Taylor takes a negative view of Pericles’ influence on Athens, this ought not to be a bad thing, but Taylor condemns their weakness. Athens was then subject to Macedonian rule until their defeat by the Romans in 197 BCE at the Battle of Cynocephalae after which Greece was methodically conquered by the Roman Empire.It is a tribute to an enduring legacy that the Roman general Sulla, who sacked Athens in 87-86 BCE, slaughtered the citizenry, and burned the port of Piraeus, refused to allow his soldiers to burn the city itself. SS6S4C4PO4— Identify factors (e.g., river/coastal civilizations, trade that influence the location, distribution, and inter-relationships In this famous Funeral Oration, Pericles gave voice to the ideal of democracy and the importance of the individual. Athenian society was a patriarchy; men held all rights and advantages, such as access to education and power. As his status grew in Athenian government, his influence on the people of Athens grew too. Mark, J. J. • Banned enslavement of Athenians at Athens ! He had such a profound influence on the society that historian Thucydides named him “the first citizen” of democratic Athens. This environment Pericles was brought up in gave him a basic understanding of politics from a young age. The painter Polygnotus (5th century BCE) created his famous works which were later immortalized by Pausanias (c. 110 - 180 CE). He became very powerful and well known through out the age of the 5th century, so powerful that this became known as the age of Pericles.He was the son of Xanthippus and Agariste. The late historian Henry Bamford Parkes described the roots of political debate throughout Western civilization as a contrast between Plato’s Republic and Pericles’ Funeral Oration. Bereft of his leadership, the Athenians made mistake after mistake in their military decisions leading eventually to their defeat by the Spartans in 404 BCE, the destruction of their city’s walls, and their occupation and rule by Sparta. Not only was he a prominent general, he was also known for being a legislator, speechmaker, and an armed chief. To be the subject of an ostracism in reality meant that a man had great influence on the city and was too capable of persuading his fellow citizens to be allowed to participate in the democratic processes of governing Athens. The things discussed in this essay will tell why Pericles was a good attribute to the city-state of Athens. Sparta was mainly ruled by two kings aided by a council of 28 elders. For a short time a leading position was occupied by Ephialtes. The freedom that is enjoyed in the Athenian government is extended to be equally enjoyed in Athenian ordinary and everyday life. Which describes the influence of Pericles on Athens? Who was Pericles and why is he important to Greece? Playwrights Aeschylus (c. 525 - c. 456 BCE), Sophocles (c. 496 - c. 406 BCE), Euripides (c. 484 - 407 BCE), and Aristophanes (c. 460 - c. 380 BCE) - in short, all of the great Greek writers for the stage - invented theater as it is known in the modern-day. He was of noble Athenian lineage on both sides. Of course, slaves, women and foreigners were deprived of … In-text: (Pericles Timeline - Ancient History Encyclopedia, 2018) Ancient History Encyclopedia. unification of greek city-states. Pericles was a wise and powerful leader of the city of Athens. Pericles guided Athens almost through the entire Peloponnesian War. Although certainly an idealized vision of Athens, Pericles’ speech continues to resonate in its advocacy for a free and democratic state and the benefits such a system offers. He died 2 years before the peoplessian war. In Greece, Pericles was an important figure in Athenian politics between 461 B.C. 64-65). During the Greek Civilization, two forms of governments existed. The leader of the democratic party was Ephialtes (5th century BCE) who was Pericles’ mentor. Written by Joshua J. The idea that the Athenians are able to put aside their petty wants and strive for the greater good of the city is a central theme of the speech. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Instead, "the administration of Athens favors the many instead of the few", hence the name democracy. How was the Athenian democracy organized? In 461, he assumed rule of Athens—a role he would occupy until his death. ...Pericles was born in 495 BC into a wealthy political family. He also described Athens as a wonderful place to live & portrayed its citizens as tolerant, courageous and rightful. Great sculptors like Phidias (c. 480 - c. 430 BCE), who created the statue of Zeus at Olympia (considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), as well as the statue of Athena Parthenos for the Parthenon worked at his craft and Myron (c. 480 - c. 440 BCE) the sculptor produced his masterpiece known as the Discus Thrower. The Oxford History of the Classical World: Greece and the Hellenistic... Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The fourth phase of the Delian League encompasses the first part... What did democracy really mean in Athens? His father, Xanthippus (c. 525-475 BCE) was a respected politician and war hero and his mother, Agariste, a member of the powerful and influential Alcmaeonidae family who encouraged the early development of Athenian democracy. The Delian League had existed for almost twenty years at this time and had increasingly become more of an extension of Athenian power and politics than a Greek confederacy for mutual defense. He made Athens prosperous by limiting building.b. SS6S3C4PO3— Describe the importance of citizens being actively involved in the democratic process. Pericles’ family's nobility, prestige, and wealth allowed him to pursue his inclination toward education in any subject he fancied. Describe the great architectural achievement in Athens during the Golden Age Recognize and identify the Parthenon and the location of the Parthenon Key Vocabulary: Pericles, Golden Age of Pericles, Athens, Parthenon, Persian War 5f Golden Age of Athens What were achievements and contributions to Greek culture and Western Civilization? • democracy He was still actively engaged in political life when he died of the plague in 429 BCE. Thucydides, his contemporary historian, acclaimed him as "the first citizen of Athens". Very soon the free confederacy was being turned into the Athenian Empire. Web. SS6S2C2PO9— Identify the roles and contributions of individuals in the following ancient civilizations It was something far beneath the surface, deep down in human nature, and the cause of all the wars ever fought. Pericles had such a profound influence on Athenian society that Thucydides, a contemporary historian, acclaimed him as "the first citizen of Athens". Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Sparta feared that Athens’ growing power was a threat but could not hope to defeat the Athenian navy which had only become larger and more effective since the victory at Salamis in 480 BCE. Pericles definition, Athenian statesman. Comprehension and Critical Thinking Summarize 3. Pericles helped Athens move to a communist government, which later influenced Eastern European nations. Although democracy was developing in Athens long before Pericles, his initiatives allowed it to flourish and, as it did, so did Athenian culture. Aspasia’s talent as a writer, and close association with Pericles, encouraged his enemies to claim she was the author of his greatest speeches but it seems clear he had a gift for oratory from a young age, long before he met her, as evidenced in speeches such as the one which exiled Cimon. SS6S3C3PO2— Describe the impact of the Greek democracy on ancient Greeks and how it relates to current forms of government. For Pericles, Athens itself was a competitor for these prizes in the agon among poleis, past and present. "Pericles." Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. (2018, March 28). And 429 B.C., during this time Athens expanded its empire abroad while democracy grew at home. 2. The Delian League, a confederation of the city-states, was formed in 478 BCE to provide defense against further Persian aggression and Cimon was instrumental in persuading various city-states to join. What is stunning about Pericles, Plutarch never fails to remind us, is how gracious he is compared to the run of the mill viciousness of Athenian politics. The life of Pericles was by far very prominent. Although Pericles has been criticized as a “populist” who appealed to the baser instincts of the people, as well as a war-monger who encouraged both wars with Sparta, he quite obviously was able to create an atmosphere of freedom of thought and expression which resulted in some of the greatest contributions to world culture ever made. HW SECTION 3 Assessment Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details 2. The significant influence of Pericles on Athenian …. Pericles was born in Athens, in 495 BCE, to an aristocratic family. SS6S5C1PO4—... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, Bill Clinton's Doctrine of Enlargement of Foreign Policies. License. Cimon, son of Miltiades (the hero of Marathon, l. c. 555 - 489 BCE), was acquitted but this may have been due more to his political connections and influence than any failing on Pericles’ part to prosecute the case. In 461, he assumed rule of Athens—a role he would occupy until his death. Power, or its equivalent wealth, created the desire for more power, more wealth. Back in 480, after the final defeat of the Persians, the Athenians had been chosen to lead the new confederacy of free Greek states. Books government, involvement in political decision making, analyzing issues, or petitioning public officials). Mark, Joshua J. Aspasia influenced Athens by supporting and advising Pericles. Pericles guided Athens almost through the entire Peloponnesian War. places and regions. A truce was finally agreed to, orchestrated by Cimon, who returned from his exile in 451 BCE and served as intermediary on Pericles’ behalf. He became very powerful and well known through out the age of the 5th century, so powerful that this became known as the age of Pericles. “Pericles … • Greece (e.g., Sophocles, Euripides, Pericles, Homer)

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