Clown move to be jumping the gun so quickly. THE STORY ISNT FINISHED as I keep saying. After a brief engagement, the Dark Avengers and the Masters were all but defeated. Not to mention the fact that he as the demiurge was drawn by America in said Made in a USA comic run before Catalina showed up. In one of the many dark possible futures shown to Immortus by The Time Keepers; William and Thomas had become tyrannical God-like superhumans who were seen launching a devastating assault on Eternity in an attempt to overthrow him. The Demiurge regretted even its slight imperfection, and as he thought himself the Supreme God, he attempted to remedy this by sending a Messiah. Superhero Class. Issues 1 ,2,3 completely null youre incredibly wrong and incorrect statement. Youre trying to use something that yet to be finished or explained. As he writes in his commentary on John 4:21. Cookie Notice Plotinus also elucidates the equation of matter with nothing or non-being in The Enneads[9] which more correctly is to express the concept of idealism or that there is not anything or anywhere outside of the "mind" or nous (c.f. In order to reconcile Aristotelian with Platonian philosophy,[5] Plotinus metaphorically identified the demiurge (or nous) within the pantheon of the Greek Gods as Zeus.[6]. Recognizing the Runaways under attack by registration agents on a monitoring screen, the Young Avengers set out to assist them and convince them to join the anti-registration side. He briefly achieves this form, and is able to view the past, present and future, as well as freely alter the universe. He is married to Hulkling. One Gnostic mythos describes the declination of aspects of the divine into human form. And what else has the oh so overhyped Demiurge done? [28][43] In this most common form of Gnosticism the Demiurge had an inferior though not intrinsically evil function in the universe as the head of the animal, or psychic world. Stature later defected to the pro-registration side, stating that she did not want to go to prison like Wiccan had. Answer: Wiccan is a powerful magic user with a unique tie to Avengers history. Billy Kaplan never had a problem being different than other people. It's existence has been retconned hence he has no such feats. At the consummation of all things, all light will return to the Pleroma. During this time, Billy attempted to tell his parents that he was a superhero, only to accidentally come out to them. Being raised in a normal home in New York with his loving mother, Rebecca Kaplan, father, Jeff Kaplan, and two brothers, Billy had the average problems for a gay teenager. During a trap laid by Iron Man and the pro-registration heroes, in which they planned to immediately take out the resistance's teleporters - Cloak & Wiccan - Wiccan was captured and sent to the N-Zone prison for his involvement with the underground Avengers. His brother Tommy, who was a trained sorcerer, assisted the Avengers and the two fought each other until their father the Vision intercepted and destroyed Ultron, ending the battle. Probably Raven if she is anything like what people pretend Demiurge Wiccan is. Billy and the other Young Avengers were then confronted by Iron Man, Captain America, and Jessica Jones who disapproved of their unsanctioned vigilantism. Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the demiurge itself and the material from which the demiurge fashions the universe are both considered consequences of something else. In Young Avengers vol. He recognizes that the Scarlet Witch may not be ready to be found and feels that he is happy enough with his present life. It was here that Billy revealed to Teddy that Norse myths have always had a special meaning for him because his father used to read them to him at night. The Young Avengers decide to give the newbies a chance, and announce that they will host try-outs, where each Lite member will be teamed up with one or more Young Avengers. So youre attempts to try and debunk his multiversal status arent gonna work. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 2, it is revealed by Loki that Wiccan is destined to ascend to a god-like reality warper who will rewrite the rules of magic known as the Demiurge. Vision confirmed the story of the twins. Wiccan (real name William "Billy" Kaplan) is a comic book character, a member of the Young Avengers, a team of teenage superheroes in the Marvel Universe. During their time traveling through dimensions, Hulkling becomes worried that Wiccan's powers might be responsible for their relationship, a theory proposed by Loki. Having no other choice, Wiccan and the team decide to leave New York. A bit desperate too. The true doctrine about Universal Soul and the goodness of the universe which it forms and rules (chs. Of note here is that while Plotinus' student Porphyry names Christianity specifically in Porphyry's own works, and Plotinus is to have been a known associate of the Christian Origen, none of Plotinus' works mention Christ or Christianitywhereas Plotinus specifically addresses his target in the Enneads as the Gnostics. Privacy Policy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Humiliated and defeated, Osborn ordered the remaining members of his team to stand down, simply stating to the YA that, "This never happened." When the Scarlet Witch used her powers to recreate the world after the House of M event, she inadvertently recreated both William and Thomas as well. Until that happens youre argument isnt gonna work its just loud at the point. He even held the comic panels in his hands and manipulated what was going to happen in then for gods sakes Im pretty sure he takes this. He has the power to rewrite and shape reality to his will. He briefly achieves this form, and is able to view the past, present and future, as well as freely alter the universe. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Then within this intellectual triad Iamblichus assigns the third rank to the Demiurge, identifying it with the perfect or Divine nous with the intellectual triad being promoted to a hebdomad (pure intellect). [27], He is Demiurge and maker of man, but as a ray of light from above enters the body of man and gives him a soul, Yaldabaoth is filled with envy; he tries to limit man's knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in paradise. Plotinus, along with his teacher Ammonius Saccas, was the founder of Neoplatonism. The false other-worldliness of the Gnostics leads to immorality (ch. Thus their understanding of the Demiurge is similarly flawed in comparison to Platos original intentions. 13:29 CJ Mars - K.D.D. 2 yr. ago. His spellcasting is unique, however. Teddy assisted Billy by posing as him while he and Speed went on a search for the Scarlet Witch to learn more about their past. The Demiurge, isolated, did not behold his mother, nor anyone else, and concluded that only he existed, ignorant of the superior levels of reality. @j2111: It's a twitter post by Kieron Gillen look it up yourself. Another alternative title for the demiurge is "Saklas", Aramaic for "fool". In Young Avengers vol. 07:49AM Shards: The Shards are the fragments of Primordial beings and are slightly stronger than any Demiurge. At first, it was presumed that Billy was just an electrokinetic mutant with strong sorcery abilities. @stahlflamme: How's he barely universal? The earliest Gnostic sects ascribe the work of creation to angels, some of them using the same passage in Genesis. The first and highest aspect of God is described by Plato as the One ( , 'To Hen'), the source, or the Monad. It is in the system of Valentinus that the name Dmiurgos is used, which occurs nowhere in Irenaeus except in connection with the Valentinian system; we may reasonably conclude that it was Valentinus who adopted from Platonism the use of this word. So don't act like I'm the one lacking information here. Meaning his feats are still the destruction of mother, the destruction of a universe over the course of 20 years and useless hype statements that everyone here has, @killianduclark: agreed. It's also not in English like normal. I want to know about that, Who would win between this wiccan and Mr Mxyzptlk cause raven is more powerful than him and Perpetua. A woman jogger passed by and asked him if he was okay because she saw the boy was bleeding. Because he didn't show those things. The idea of Demiurge was, however, addressed before Plotinus in the works of Christian writer Justin Martyr who built his understanding of the Demiurge on the works of Numenius.[12]. In this one-shot about the final adventure of the Avengers, Billy Maximoff chose to be a villain, calling himself the Grim Reaper. He should win here. The impossible son of a witch and a synthezoid, Billy Kaplan was always going to be powerful, but Young Avengers - from writer Kieron Gillen and mainstay artist Jamie Mckelvie - revealed that Wiccan is actually the Demiurge, a force of life and magic who, when he comes of age, will redefine the rules of magic and become functionally omnipotent. After they teleported, there was also a huge lightning bolt that staggered the Avengers. The Demiurge will rewrite the rules of magic and all the implications of that decision will echo forward and backward across all realities. When Wiccan and Hulkling wake up the next morning, they discover to their horror that Hulkling's mother is not what she appears to be, but is actually an inter-dimensional parasite, who has taken control of Wiccan's parents. At full maturity, a Demiurge is stronger than any Nephalem, including one sired by an Arch-angel/demon and can use their unique powers to kill them with ease except not when one is using its true potential. When Hulkling is hurt during the battle, Billy uses his powers to put the Sons into comas. Perhaps you should try again when the story actually finishes on explaining whats going on before you use an out of context scan that hasnt been explained, and ended on a mysterious note. Fact is Demiurge Wiccan is actually barely universal, as we have seen him when controlled by a villain need like twenty years to destroy a single universe clearly not affecting anything across time or the like in the process. William "Billy" Kaplan, also known as Wiccan, is a human mutant and magician. He is blind to all that is spiritual, but he is king over the other two provinces. You just said yourself the universe he destroyed was fixed by time travel, so not beyond time or reality or time travel would not affect it. Of the entire team of YA Lite, only Enchantress and Coat of Arms (who had been tested by her old acquaintance, Tommy, aka Speed) were asked to join the Young Avengers. Shocked and afraid at what he had done, Billy ran back to the Avengers Mansion to talk with the Scarlet Witch but she was nowhere to be found. The is no utopia parallel. However, the act only attracted unwanted press. While Billy agrees to be tested, the Young Avengers help his to escape from Avengers Tower. That retcon your speaking of had nothing to do with the utopian parallel but about how the GROUP OF SUPERPOWERED WOMEN (not the place itself) it came to be, I.e instead of Americas people being made by the demiurge they were recton to instead be asylum seekers after theyre own home (Planeta Fuertona) was destroyed by La Lgion. Wiccan becomes the target of all enemy attacks. When Loki teleports away, seemingly abandoning the team, Wiccan sees no choice but to kill himself in order to end his spell, but is saved by Loki's return. The devil resides in this lower world, of which he is the prince, the Demiurge in the heavens; his mother Sophia in the middle region, above the heavens and below the Pleroma.[45]. A confrontation with the villain Mr. Hyde led to Wiccan's discovery that Patriot had been abusing Mutant Growth Hormone. Wiccan can augment his strength through magic. Magic/Reality-Warping: Billy's main power is the superhuman ability to manipulate reality at will, enabling him to tap into the universe's store of magical energies, which he inherited from his spiritual mother the Scarlet Witch. Wiccan and the rest of the Young Avengers (excluding Stature) decided not to register, Hawkeye and Patriot serving with the underground resistance team known as the Secret Avengers. Refutation of objections from the inequalities and injustices of human life (ch. It is eventually revealed by Agatha Harkness that Billy and Tommy were subconsciously created by Wanda through the use of Chaos Magic, and cannot exist outside of Westview. Plotinus, "Against the Gnostics". In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, which have many affinities with the doctrine of Valentinus, the making of the world is ascribed to a company of seven archons, whose names are given, but still more prominent is their chief, "Yaldabaoth" (also known as "Yaltabaoth" or "Ialdabaoth"). The utopian parallel was said to be created by and I quote the very breath of demiurge stated by America herself multiple times. These six, in turn, create another twelve angels "with each one receiving a portion in the heavens". 14). Loki literally says "you're gonna rewrite the laws of magic across all realities". I do believe unkindness best feat was eating the multiverse, Demi Wiccan has ascended the multiverse and time. When it is employed by other Gnostics either it is not used in a technical sense, or its use has been borrowed from Valentinus. 1618).". He and Teddy continue to be in a relationship. In the various branches of the Neoplatonic school (third century onwards), the demiurge is the fashioner of the real, perceptible world after the model of the Ideas, but (in most Neoplatonic systems) is still not itself "the One". A partially powered Demiurge (aka the Semiurge) holds off Mother's attacks, Fully turns into the Demiurge through the power of love. As the Demiurge, Billy is destined to "rewrite the laws of magic" in the universe, meaning that he is a being of power on a massive scale. Billy scoffed at her advice and told her maybe if he had powers like her he could. It's literally all from the same run. Under the name of Nebro (rebel), Yaldabaoth is called an angel in the apocryphal Gospel of Judas. Dice of the Skrull Kill Krew does the same and he is by all accounts not even particularly powerful. Not even remotely correct. [34], The angelic name "Ariel" (Hebrew: 'the lion of God')[35] has also been used to refer to the Demiurge and is called his "perfect" name;[36] in some Gnostic lore, Ariel has been called an ancient or original name for Ialdabaoth. He seems to be steadily losing ground, until Teddy appears to him. He is a reality warper, according to Loki. In the report of the system of Basilides,[23] we are told that our world was made by the angels who occupy the lowest heaven; but special mention is made of their chief, who is said to have been the God of the Jews, to have led that people out of the land of Egypt, and to have given them their law. In the show, Wanda gives birth to Billy and his twin brother Tommy after moving to Westview to start a new life with Vision. Psalm 82 begins, "God stands in the assembly of El [LXX: assembly of gods], in the midst of the gods he renders judgment",[16] indicating a plurality of gods, although it does not indicate that these gods were co-actors in creation. After looking into it, Sam Wilson found that someone with Avengers membership and passcodes had helped the Skull escape. 3. The Young Avengers later encountered both Kate Bishop and the daughter of the late Ant Man (Scott Lang), Cassie Lang. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Here he uses an offensive spell but he doesn't repeat the spell. @j2111: @imquentin: And since all those nonsensical statements we've seen this lame deus ex machina in actual effect in New Avengers. The ordering principle is twofold; there is a principle known as the Demiurge, and there is the Soul of the All; the appellation "Zeus" is sometimes applied to the Demiurge and sometimes to the principle conducting the universe. Plotinus specifically points to the Gnostic doctrine of Sophia and her emission of the Demiurge. Wiccan, Speed, and Hulkling team up with Xavin and the Runaways to defeat the Super-Skrulls that are sent to assassinate Hulkling. One night, Billy was angry at his father for no good reason, and yelled at him, telling him never to read to him again. A. H. Armstrong identified the so-called "Gnostics" that Plotinus was attacking as Jewish and Pagan, in his introduction to the tract in his translation of the Enneads. Thus, in such systems, the Demiurge acts as a solution to (or, at least possibly, the problem or cause that gives rise to) the problem of evil.[14]. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. His appearance is patterned on that of two prominent Marvel superheroes, Thor and Scarlet Witch, both of whom are members of the Avengers. Instead, the Young Avengers continued to function as a team, now using Kate Bishop's resources to support them. Barely universal like I said the whole time? He avoided Kessler at all costs until one day he saw Kessler had found a new victim. As the Demiurge, Wiccan completely eradicated Mother and every threat she had created in Young Avengers #13 by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie. Level 3: While Wiccan has the Power of the Demiurge, all of his matches will destroy their row or column. Armstrong alluding to Gnosticism being a Hellenic philosophical heresy of sorts, which later engaged Christianity and Neoplatonism.[53][54]. Turner, "Gnosticism and Platonism", in Wallis & Bregman. The team was split up, running rescue missions, relief missions, and interference across Asgard. The Monad emanated the demiurge or Nous (consciousness) from its "indeterminate" vitality due to the monad being so abundant that it overflowed back onto itself, causing self-reflection. I have and we still dont know if shes even telling the truth considering theyre are factors that still arent explained that were established in Americas solo run in 2017-2019. He has spent time on numerous super hero teams, including the Young Avengers and the New Avengers. The team defeat the creature, but Wiccan's spell is still in tact. . Hence Demiurge never played any part in it's creation. The true Platonic other-worldliness, which love and venerates the material universe in all its goodness and beauty as the most perfect possible image of the intelligible, contracted at length with the false, Gnostic, other-worldliness which hates and despises the material universe and its beauties (chs. In Pistis Sophia, Yaldabaoth has already sunk from his high estate and resides in Chaos, where, with his forty-nine demons, he tortures wicked souls in boiling rivers of pitch, and with other punishments (pp. After discovering that Hulkling had been going out as a superhero without his knowledge, he and Wiccan fight over the choice to become superheroes again. The Valentinian theory elaborates that from Achamoth (he kt sopha or lower wisdom) three kinds of substance take their origin, the spiritual (pneumatiko), the animal (psychiko) and the material (hyliko). What's more likely is that you are in deniable. She and Cassie also convinced Billy to change his alias from "Asgardian" to "Wiccan" in acknowledgment of his new powers (and due to "Asgardian" being exploitable by the media in relation to Billy's sexuality and relationship with Hulkling). Flabbergasted, he then admitted that she was his favorite Avenger. Though the former understanding certainly enjoys the greatest popularity, the identification of Plotinus' opponents as Gnostic is not without some contention. I get how powerful wiccan is i really do but LMAO WHAT THE HELL IS HOMEBOI DOING TO THE UNKINDNESS, @yungbaby: Shes the ultimate villain of the DC multiverse, it happened during the future state event. However, Master Pandemonium stated that their past was steeped in chaos and tragedy and convinced them that rather than search for who they were in the past, they should embrace who they are now. In this act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her deed, wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. I made The respect threads , and I'm telling you the unkindness is a problem. Nebro creates six angels in addition to the angel Saklas to be his assistants. It was originally a common noun meaning "craftsman" or "artisan", but gradually came to mean "producer", and eventually "creator". Lol @ universal demiurge wiccan. Gnosticism attributed falsehood or evil to the concept of the Demiurge or creator, though in some Gnostic traditions the creator is from a fallen, ignorant, or lesserrather than evilperspective, such as that of Valentinius. In the theoretic of Plotinus, nous produces nature through intellectual mediation, thus the intellectualizing gods are followed by a triad of psychic gods. @demiurgekaplan: the entirety of multiversal demi urges feats come from statements about creating the utopia parallel. The writers confirmed Raven's level of power on Twitter when I asked them! (sorry i'm clueless but if this was true wouldn't that make him like the most powerful person in the universe? In the future, Wiccan will become the Demiurge, a singular multidimensional Messiah, according to Loki. Wiccan can rewrite the rules of magic across all realities. Raven as the unkindness absorbed infinite planes, timelines, multiverse, gods etc Point blank, "the author confirmed on Twitter that the transformation lightning of the Wizard couldn't even harm the Unkindness, it's basically unstoppable and it's implied that Adam needs to travel back in time to prevent Raven from getting these powers. He IS omniversal. Also, considering the evidence from the time, Evangeliou thought the definition of the term "Gnostics" was unclear. like very very gay Teleports an entire prisoner van to a secure SHIELD location. This link to Judeo-Christian tradition leads to a further comparison with Satan. Wiccan. Unkindness has fewer feats and it took her a whole longer to destroy the multiverse. 1. Criticism of the attempts to multiply the hypostasis, and especially of the idea of two intellects, one which thinks and that other which thinks that it thinks. He has received two figures to date, one of which depicted his most well known costume, and the other of which depicted his original Asgardian outfit. Sam Wilson and his newly Inverted Avengers shrunk all the gathered heroes down using Pym particles extracted from the Wasp (presumably against her will) and trapped them all in one of Hank Pym's microscopic ant farms, thereby taking care of the "liability". @j2111: Hi may I ask where you got these 4th and 5th scans from? Billy's issues escalated as he grew older and entered high school where his differences became the source of endless torment and violence. [8] This self-reflection of the indeterminate vitality was referred to by Plotinus as the "Demiurge" or creator. Unkindness wins. Not to mention she proves that she can inhibit America's powers by dosing her with a counter serum. Magical Barrier - 9 AP Wiccan conjures up a magical barrier to protect his allies. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas ["fool"], and the third is Samael ["blind god"]. Wiccan and Hulkling are thrown into a prison outside their dimension, but are rescued by Loki. The Ophites held that he and his demons constantly oppose and thwart the human race, as it was on their account the devil was cast down into this world. Wiccan appears as a playable character in Marvel Future Fight. In the Nag Hammadi text On the Origin of the World, the three sons of Yaldabaoth are listed as Yao, Eloai, and Astaphaios.[31]. 'wisdom'), the Demiurge's mother and partial aspect of the divine Pleroma or "Fullness," desired to create something apart from the divine totality, without the receipt of divine assent. The "One" is further separated into spheres of intelligence; the first and superior sphere is objects of thought, while the latter sphere is the domain of thought. Level 2: While Wiccan has Mystical Destiny, he will transform into the Demiurge if you have at least 8 AP in all colors. He is an archon with the face of a lion, half flame, and half darkness. Do you read what you are writing? All realities mean omniverse. Not to mention we never get a reason why a chump like Loki would know this when all kinds of greater beings and entities appear to be unaware. The performance might range from a nudge to a certain existential state or outcome, to modified every reality in existence. Doctor Strange has also claimed that Wiccan has the potential to be the next Sorcerer Supreme. Through magic, he is strong enough to clobber Loki. Demiurge. Their search took them to various significant locations to the Scarlet Witch, finally ending at the former home that she shared with the Vision. In refuting the beliefs of the gnostics, Irenaeus stated that "Plato is proved to be more religious than these men, for he allowed that the same God was both just and good, having power over all things, and himself executing judgment. He did not do it and he will not do it, because then marvel would have to come up with actual laws for their magic and how does that apply to combat in the first place? Christ, in reality, is the Son of the Good God. Wiccan appears in 645 issues. [28], Yaldabaoth is frequently called "the Lion-faced", leontoeides, and is said to have the body of a serpent. Later, the Neoplatonist Iamblichus changed the role of the "One", effectively altering the role of the Demiurge as second cause or dyad, which was one of the reasons that Iamblichus and his teacher Porphyry came into conflict. And how many more times to I have to tell you the visual depiction of interacting with comic panels does not matter? He is currently engaged to Teddy Altman, aka Hulkling. The true doctrine of Soul (ch. William "Billy" Kaplan, Wiccan. 588 B. SMT. In the Apocryphon of John c.AD 120180, the demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself: Now the archon ["ruler"] who is weak has three names. The Wiccan and Hulkling of Earth-616 didn't approve of this, and later Wiccan and Hulkling from Earth-721 was sent home. The law of necessary procession and the eternity of the universe (ch.3). 15). 2. Several systems of Gnostic thought present the Demiurge as antagonistic to the will of the Supreme Being: his act of creation occurs in an unconscious semblance of the divine model, and thus is fundamentally flawed, or else is formed with the malevolent intention of entrapping aspects of the divine in materiality. pantheism). The villain was specifically stated to be after the Demiurge abilities and to finally have them at full power when he destroyed one universe and seemingly himself along with it.