Will he apologize and admit he was wrong and his teaching needed major adjustments? The only one who is ever referred to as Dr. consistently is held in such high esteem by all the rest of those men that they say it as a sign of respect. John 12:43. Such schools are essentially scams and the degrees they award are phony ones. 12:7-11 are still operational, as the Spirit distributes them. Much of the New Testament contains words of correction, yet these words are not evidence of a lack of love. You understand, by faith, by faith. I only critique the practice of diploma mills giving phony doctorates and the practice of people using honorary doctorates as though they were earned. I appreciate your concern but would suggest that you reread the article to better understand exactly what I do and do not say in it. It is rewarding to read such favorable responses. Greetings everyone, I just happen to come across this article because I am presently seeking ordination in the state of Texas. Many ministers are deliberately misrepresenting their academic qualifications with fake degrees. Most of the Dr.s I know and work with go by their first name in every context. The KCBC Canada Program Coordinator reports to the Kenneth Copeland Bible College (KCBC) Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Services but assists the KCBC Executive and KCBC Administrative Teams in following the purpose, mission, and vision upon which Kenneth Copeland Ministries is founded upon. Accreditation is by no means a way of conforming to the world, it is simply a way of having ones academic standards confirmed by a third party. Accreditation is simply a means of verifying that the degrees awarded by a school meet with recognized standards of educational excellence. They can simply be honest about what they are and offer their material on a website. If you are strong in adaptability, leadership and have the right initiative for the . There seems to be a lack of both prayer and study behind these sermons. It is high time that the persons who receive honorary doctorate should avoid Dr as title before their names. Copeland says the man is "not hurt" but there's obviously no way he could know that. The pastor and his wife, Gloria Copeland, are leaders of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, which claims to have seven offices around the world. Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, or related IT field, or equivalent work experience. He needed to get exams. The Universal Life Church offers a free Doctorate of Divinity degree for anyone who receives their rubber-stamp ordination. On page 18, the catalog says that, in the doctoral program alone, Columbia does not grant these credits for mere time in the ministry but instead grants product-assessment credits for tangible work done in the ministry. Gloria Was Voted Christian Woman of the Year. Colonel Sanders did not try to use his phony title to achieve an advanced standing in the military. Thank you for your prayers and support. This thing had a defibrillator in it. He'll have a face/body transplant in a couple decades, show up as another shyster, and rinse and repeat his process of using fairy tales to manipulate others. The key word there is average. Not all doctoral programs are equally demanding and I do not dispute your claim to being able to obtain a doctorate in your field in six years. The clip is titled "Judgement on COVID-19 goes HEAVY METAL [Kenneth Copeland Remix] [I Demand]." Since posting Nov. 26, Antunes's video has racked up around 110,000 views on YouTube. 89% of the money received goes to ministry. I have simply related the facts of a practice in which some Christians engage. I appreciate your comment though I do not know what it has to do with the article above. My mother died with heart disease and her younger brother, her older brother was killed in World War II. I was und. . It is better to have the training without a degree than to have a degree without the training. If you wish to fix your concept of morality on one issue alone that is your prerogative, but I believe biblical Christians will seek to obey all of Gods commands including the command to be honest. And I dont begrudge Copeland getting his pacemaker, either. These agencies are private corporations even though they are responsible to government agencies themselves. Kenneth Copeland Evangelistic Association, later to become Kenneth Copeland Ministries, was established in 1967. I was working against the grain in "free space" communications when . I write of what I know my father is a noted academic historian with a PhD, my mother has an MA, and I have a brother with a PhD. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Romans 13:1 ESV). The issue at stake in this article remains one of personal integrity, not church/state relations. Many educators and Christian leaders have said the same about my understanding of this matter. Good Stewardship. Accrediting agencies do not dictate to any denomination what content its schools must teach. Locke called Copeland the "biggest false prophet in America" He was behind the aviation term, power curve. His Word-of-Faith message failed him. Bad theology and ministry practice. Only the Lord knows the number of his days or where he'll spend eternity but it's safe to say that Copeland will be on the home stretch sometime in the next 20 or so years. Why Doesnt Divine Healing Happen One Hundred Percent of the Time in This Age? What am I doing exactly? Keep believin God! In this post, we'll evaluate the living legacy that Copeland has compiled thus far. I want to encourage you, please if you follow his lies, come out now while you still can. January 20, 2022KCM Ministers' Conference. Other than a medical physician, anyone using Doctor in their name is being phony and pretentious if they are outside of an academic setting. One more praise him! compel a reluctant God to heal you! (my paraphrase of his meaning). Seriously, how many ministers really preach at a level which engages the minds of their flock ? (Jacobus Arminius or James Arminian)s Arminian Theology or Free Will Theology is generally taught at the same seminaries for Pentecostal-Methodist (Charismatics). In spite of these small errors, you have pointed out important issues and are doing a service to the Christian community. If you really believe this kind of lying to the Holy Spirit is a light matter that is ridiculous to correct I suggest you not read Acts 5:1-11 lest it shake your faith in Gods Word. Or any day. Kenneth & Gloria Copeland teach unbiblical False Teachings such as Prosperity gospel, Word of Faith says that Christians are "little gods." Kenneth says, "You don't have a god in you, you are one!" ("The Force of One" Audiotape, 1987) He says, "When I read the Bible where He (Jesus) says, 'I AM', I say, 'Yes, I AM too!'"- The fact that someone is angered by my telling those facts shows they really know the practice is wrong and that the public telling of it will be defaming to some minister(s) they follow. (At 22:04, I mentioned the Empire State Bldg (should have said The Washington Monument. Those fleeced are so often the poor & vulnerable. In the description of the doctoral program, the catalog says on page 17 that one may purchase 32 of these credits to complete a 36 credit doctoral program. The diploma mill typically awards its degrees to people who complete a token of easy coursework (one diploma mill reportedly hands out doctorates in exchange for the reading of one book and the payment of $600). Transworld has established high standards of excellence and shared Biblical Doctrine. What good does an air of academic respectability do? Ive debated some forums moderated by ELCA pastors and any quoting of scripture gets your posts deleted pretty quick. Oral Roberts University has been especially liberal in handing out honorary doctorates throughout the charismatic world and many recipients use the title as though it were an earned one. Their serious misconduct was in misleading the church with regard to the exact percentage of the sale that they had given. The issue of church/state relations is completely irrelevant to this article. My grandfather died of a heart attack and Im just gone that same way. If the practice I related facts about were innocuous or innocent, no one would be angered. . 2 They always lack respectable accreditation. Realizing that after completing a doctorate (will real coursework no less!!) Kenneth Copeland is known worldwide as a speaker, preacher, author, televangelist, and gospel recording artist. And the Word of the Lord came into me and He said, No, youre too far behind the power curve now. I called to ask for prayer. This is the key to it. You accuse us of having holier than thou, self-righteous attitudes but you give no evidence or reason for your accusation which seems to be based solely on the fact that I have pointed out some misconduct. Do it right now. There are many diploma mills churning out degrees to undeserving ministers in a practice Christian author Steve Levicoff has referred to as name it and frame it.. The Uncompromised Word. They merely acknowledged educational standards. Praise Him and thank Him. But something goes wrong. You, however, have falsely accused me and this website of self-righteous attitudes and you have defended the practice of misleading the church (the practice Peter said was satanically motivated). Thanks to Keith and Phyllis Moore [two Word-of-Faith pastors, who appear in the video, seated in front], who some time ago had given me, because I liked Phyllis treadmill. I do appreciate that you have taken the time to respond to my article though I must say it seems you did not take time to carefully read it. Please comment, I'm here to help, pray, or just listen. _____________________________. Dont say, I got cancer. Say, I got a healing! What did these great giants of theology do to earn their Doctorate degrees? He gets rebuked for his presumption, next.] Give Him authority over your sinuses. The ATS is an organization recognized and respected by most institutes of higher learning for the degree of excellence it requires before acknowledging a schools degree to be a real one and not a phony one. No Christian Ought Become A Freemason, But Men Good Men Do. [] Come on, come on, give the Lord praise. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The catalog contains conflicting statements about credits for ministry experience in the doctoral program. . Do not republish. I am in favor of obeying all of Gods commands and find it strange that anyone would find fault with me for desiring this. For over 33 years, Transworld Accrediting Commission is an international, non-governmental, educational accrediting body, federally recognized as a non-profit church organization. Those with real doctorates have earned a right to speak to scholarly issues related to their degree in a way that most others have not. I wish this issue received wider attention. I am not demeaning those who do not have such a degree, nor am I trying to imply that self-education is invalid. Whether these doctorates are earned or honorary is not clear though the difference would be little more than a technicality. This being said, Kenneth Copeland CERTAINLY did a Ritual of Endless Night and became a lich just to be a parasite upon the weak minded for their money and devotion. . I have a new heart. I actually do. I said, Keep believin God! Glohree tuh Gud!. I welcome a comment but not endless tirades. You speak of love as though it is something that never corrects those who are doing wrong yet you have written to me, accusing me of doing wrong. Though accrediting agencies are accountable to the government as we all are, the government in no manner dictates the content of seminary or Bible college curriculum! Copeland has said numerous times in seminars around the world, a statement used by the serpent, Lucifer to deceive document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The title of doctorate is bestowed by educational institutions with a generally agreed upon amount of work involved to obtain the degree. You got your healing already. Speaking positive words is fine, but they do not guarantee or create health. Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889: "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: "the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian . No matter how much you complain about this issue its not going away!.. He lives in a $6.3 lakefront mansion and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries can be found in a property which features a church and private .