Those who attended the Assembly could even get some pay which was a kind of motivation to lure more citizens to participate. The main difference being Sparta’s focus being on war and employing a two king system to oversee the army as well as policy at the same time. The Political System of Sparta. However, at the same time the two shared a number of character in common. Athenians voted for their leaders who came from the upper class. Government is Greece took extraordinary diverse forms across different city-States for centuries, political power could rest in the hand of one single individual which will be referred to as Monarchies or Tyranny, rule by small group of people referred to oligarchy or aristocracy. This enhanced the prestige of Sparta. Athens used a form of limited democracy, where members of society served as leaders of the people. Any male citizen of age 18 or above could speak and vote in the Assembly. The people of Athens and Sparta were different in many aspects of their political, government and society set up and this showed in the basic way that they conducted their everyday lives. Nevertheless, affinities between the Spartan and Athenian views and roles of women are evident, as Xenophon tells us. Sparta countered the idea of a autocrat by putting two kings in place, and an overseeing body of five Ephors. 1447 Athens had strong adversaries. Other purposes of the general assembly were to vote on and pass legislation and make civil decisions. 3 years ago. Both took part in activity and took measures in order to look their best for the men of society. C. Athens allowed women to vote; Sparta didn't. Since about 2500 years ago in ancient Greece, and the city of Athens in the state that is different from the past authoritarian ways have developed a way to make decisions. By the time of Aristotle, the Greek laws were far less harsher than those of Babylon. In the Code of Hammurabi, used in Mesopotamia, almost every law that was broken was punishable by death. Athens and Sparta: Life in the cities Greek and Roman Civilization University of the People July, 2017 Abstract Life in the ancient world was not that different from todays, the political life was managed by a minority as well as the majority of the people was on the side following directions from the leading class. The Spartiates were the only full citizens and they owned the majority of the fertile land in Laconia and later Messenia which the helot… They did not always agree, and there was often discord within the Spartan governmental structure. HIST 1421 17 times. A: The Byzantine Empire dictated government policies. Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. Women in Sparta had designated arenas in which they would exercise and compete in athletic tournaments, usually secluded from the men who were out training. Others were chosen by a method called ‘lot’ voting. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. Healthy and fit women would produce fit offspring, continuing the military tradition of Sparta. Hence, let’s look at how did their people obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community, and who held public office first. Online Exam 4_04 Part 1 of 2 - 100.0/ 100.0 Points Question 1 of 40 5.0/ 5.0 Points How did the political systems in Athens and Sparta differ? Athens is seen as the birthplace of democracy where a large number of the population had a say in state affairs and proceedings. Overall, Athens, a democracy, would last longer, as evident by their ruins, and Sparta, an oligarchy, would not last long because as always, an oligarchy will always Read More Art And Democracy In Ancient Greece's Creative Revolutions The Ancient Greek “oligos” translates to “few”, while “archia” means “rule” – ‘rule by the few’. Sparta and Athens… However, in this essay, the author will discuss the life if Athenians and Spartans, moreover, we discuss how each group obtained their rights to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community. Neither could attend the “palaestra” to exercise. Several thousand men were narrowed down You've reached the end of your free preview. This allowed for Sparta to forget about their state, and go on the offensive. D. Athens allowed all people to have a voice in the government; Sparta didn't. With this in mind though, the structures of Athens’s and Sparta’s governments were not totally dissimilar. These were the descendants of the original Dorian conquerors who had subjugated the local Aecheans, forcing the latter to become helots and outdwellers in Laconia. A public assembly of male citizens met 40 times a year to vote on state decisions. This type of … Many of the governing styles found through out the world today have been inspired by Ancient Greek states. Both forms of government ensured that every person was within the law, none could escape. In addition, the people of Athens elected generals to lead the military. ^^ Not entirely helpful, but sadly true. In Athens, the Assembly could meet at least once a month or even two to three times a month. Athens vs. Sparta In Greece, Sparta and Athens society was very different in many ways. Each kept the other under check, enabling no one to gain absolute power. The Athenian assembly, known as the “ekklesia”, sat to discuss political, militaristic and social matters and agendas in the pnyx. On the other hand, Athens was seen as the birthplace of democracy, meaning that it was ruled by the people who had a say in state affairs (, n.d.). The differences are what set the two apart while the things that they shared in common are what united them as Greek city-states. B. Athens was not a military dictatorship; Sparta was. (S) The Athenian City (polis) and the Spartan empire. This differed from Spartas rule by the few, which allowed for much less say from the people next to none, in fact. The process by which this was undertaken was by a simple shouting of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Athens vs. Sparta AthensSparta Throughout the ancient world there were two dominating empires. How did the political systems in Athens and Sparta differ? ATHENS AND SPARTA In Ancient Greece there were two different major forms of government, oligarchy and democracy. Commonly referred to as the “Spartans”, the warrior class, even caste, of Lacedaemon was but a small fraction of its total population. After toppling the dictator Hippias in 510 BC, Athenian demos not only took power, but also introduced electoral system that "with no single ruler. Women were judged on their physique and physical and athletic prowess. Which do you believe gave their citizens more freedom and participation in government? Sparta was led by an oligarchy, … As per the legends of Greece, after the death of his father and then elder brother, the political horizon of Sparta became clouded. Sparta and Athens shared similarities and differences in their systems of government, militaristic focuses, judgment and views of women. Sparta took the leadership in war. Answer: 3 question Discuss the political systems of Athens and Sparta. Question 2How did the political systems in Athens and Sparta differ? Athens had an empire, they stood up for values, they were the school of Greece, while Sparta were clinching onto their dear iron bars. Athens and Sparta are two prominent Greek rival city-states. It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. Athens is considered the birthplace of democracy because of the way they chose to run their city. Sparta was cool. Athens and Sparta were two city-states in the ancient Greece, which also had two different political systems or government. Their ideas, habits, and daily activities were majorly impacted by the community they lived in. Then, the people (only male citizens back then) voted and had a huge impact on the resulting laws. In this paper I will discuss how the people in Athens and Sparta obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community. As a whole, the five Ephors had the power to overrule the Kings, but tended to keep to religious and militaristic duties. There were over a thousand city-states at one time. Each would take charge for about a month, and ten generals were automatically elected due to their experience. Sparta’s system of government was very exclusive and open to members of the only the highest social standing. However, at the same time, the two shared a myriad of characteristics in common. The agenda was set and decrees carried out by a 500 strong council, chosen by lot to serve one year each"(Finley, 1983). Athens can be considered as the fountain of culture and philosophical knowledge. Oligarchy refers to a small group of people who govern a nation together. Democracy is what we have today, where one person is the main leader, but there are three branches that do different things with the law to decide if it is okay. Spartan and Athenian society were very different in many aspects. This was important in shaping their social status and even their life in some cases. Classical Mediterranean and Europe: The Greeks. Athens was a bunch of panzies. Life in Sparta was vastly different from life in Athens. Compare And Contrast Athens And Sparta 991 Words | 4 Pages. The Spartan equivalent of the senate was its “gerousia”, while Ephors and the Kings would regularly attend the “apella” (general assembly) to develop and try to pass “rhetrai”, or motions and decrees. Athens, being a democracy, used the masses as well as nobles, aristocrats and generals as a part of their government. 68% average accuracy. Democracy refers to a system of government in which every person has the right to participate. Ares … In principle, they can occur and that put the general laws of the state, it was all Athenian citizens were eligible to vote. Such as Sparta which had a mix of Monarchy, Oligarchy, aristocracy, and tyranny. In Athens, Greece, Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who wrote a book called Politics, describing the laws and the type of government the people of Athens lived under in 350 B.C. The Spartan equivalent of the senate was its “gerousia”, while Ephors and the Kings would regularly attend the “apella” (general assembly) to develop and try to pass “rhetrai”, or motions and decrees. Athens and Sparta. Sparta’s governance was centered around warfare and warriors, while Athens was centered around … With this in mind though, the structures of Athenss and Spartas governments were not totally dissimilar. Most of the Ancient Greek city-states practice democracy as their system of government although only Athens is well-known for it democracy. The Ancient Greek “oligos” translates to “few”, while “archia” means “rule” – ‘rule by the few’. Athens citizens access to government offices and courts to enable the first city in the country. Political institutions of Sparta: Lycurgus: The founder of the political institution of Sparta is Lycurgus. By contrast, the Athenians had a democratic system that was not nearly as dependent on slavery. Athens took its name from the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.Sparta, a town near the river Evrotas, is located in the center of t… Also, neither employed the fundamental idea of autocracy a sole, omnipote… The most glaring difference is that Sparta did not have a democracy, while Athens did, though it was not total. The main difference between Athens and Sparta is that Athens was a form of democracy, whereas Sparta was a form of oligarchy. (n.d)). While Sparta and Athens both developed formidable land and sea forces at different stages in their history, each dominated in one particular arm of the military. The Pnyx was a hill where the Athenian Ekklesia would meet, with a speaker's platform called the "Bema". As various studies suggested, ancient Athens pursued permissiveness and democracy, which its form of government was the antecedent of nowadays 'rule by the people '. Question options: Athens didn't have hereditary kings; Sparta did. Physical training was not unheard of though, and an Athenian woman exercising was not uncommon. These two cities were both powerful and famous but significantly different. Both were centred around the concept of citizenry : a set of free men that have the right to have material possession, to defend their families and their land and to form the elite of the society. Also, we talk about who held the public office, what rules governed the selection of the public, and how the two cities were similar and different as government structure. What was the main goal of Greek colonization in the Archaic Period? C: The mountainous topography resulted in the isolation of these city-states. Furthermore, historians argue whether the people’s assemblies had a “voice” of after a certain period the elite outweighed the comitia centuriata with its power and influence. On the contrary, there are historians who defend the theory that a nominee should follow several political traditions, namely establishing fruitful friendships with people of all classes, offering banquets, festivals and games and even handing out money to the people. There are many examples and references are taken from their way of life and traditions. The Greek civilization In my view, the authority was no longer centralized in the hands of one administrator, more ordinary people got a say in running the governmental affairs through suffrage, and obtained their official posts as well as participated in policy-making, though the majority of them were still upper-class populace. HIST 1421: GREEK AND ROMAN CIVILIZATION Athens was not a military dictatorship; Sparta was. 5000 to 6000 men were narrowed down to a group of 500, who would then be divided into groups of 50. Other Greek city states had an almost all militia army. Although very similar in structure, Athens and Sparta had their political differences. Athens allowed women to vote; Sparta didn't. Located in the southern part of Greece on the Peloponnisos peninsula, the city-state of Sparta developed a militaristic society ruled by two kings and an oligarchy, or small group that exercised political control. Why was there such a wide difference between the two city-states? Greece was truly the leader of political ingenuity due to the many laws, ideas, trade, people, and conflicts. Other group of scholars promote the idea that patronage was the most essential part of the roman electoral system; hence campaigning is about mobilizing friends. On the one hand, the two poleis share certain obvious affinities, such as language, geographical scope, a common Greek ancestry etc. Thus, one should not disregard the People, for they can be. Greece developed many political tools that aimed to spread decision making to the collective whole or representatives of the collective whole. I will also talk about who was able to hold public office and what kinds of rules governed the selection of public office holders. Why did ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta develop different political systems? Though these are not very far away from each other, there are many differences between these two states. In Greece, they went through three different types of government: monarchy (having one king or queen that controls everything by themselves), oligarchy (a small group of people that decides on things together) and democracy. The Spartan political mindset was war. Women in Sparta are very typical of what one may have imagined a woman of Sparta to have been like. Prominent among the states that never experienced tyranny was Sparta, a fact remarked on even in antiquity. (Brand, P.J. Rule by all the male citizens referred to as democracy, which is regarded as Greeks greatest contribution to modern day civilization (Democracy). An excellent question indeed ! Sparta, on the other hand, was ruled by five men with help from a council of elders. The Greek civilization was an exciting period and also today people talk about it. To begin with, Athens and Sparta were both famous in antiquity for their legend, cultures and the character of the people. The reason women were scrutinized so heavily on their fitness and physical state relates to the Spartan’s equivalent of the “master race” concept. 9th - 10th grade. On the other hand, Athens was a democracy, which meant “rule by the people” – “demos” (people, or the masses) and “kratis” (rule). Athens was the centre for arts, learning and philosophy while Sparta was a warrior state. Discuss the political systems of Athens and Sparta. Two Cities.Athens and Sparta came up with different solutions to the challenges facing the early Greek poleis.In the eighth century b.c.e. Save. Elaborate and expensive jewelry, complemented by luscious clothing were worn for seductive, and other purposes. I will talk about how these two city-states (Athens and Sparta) were similar in governmental structures and also address how they differed and in what ways. Jewelry was another big ‘no-no’ for Spartan women. Cosmetics such as lead ‘foundation’ were common, but unbeknown to them, rather unhealthy. Sparta was an “Oligarchy”. Further, when it comes to what. This was an area close by to the markets and social centre of Athens, the “agora”. The Life and Governmental Structures of the People of Athens and Sparta How did the treatment of women differ between Athens and Sparta? The process by which this was undertaken was by a simple shouting of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. B: Foreign travelers introduced new philosophies . they killed people. Both forms of government ensured that every person was within the law, none could escape. Abstract Sparta was an “Oligarchy”. Another example that ties this conflict together is the aspect that Athens a democracy could elect such ignorant leaders who only care about their own glory. Sparta vs. Athens University of the People Because of this, Sparta had the only full time army in all of Greece. Sparta also had kings, and it appears that Athens did not. UoP Athens is the capital and the largest city of Greece. This differed from Sparta, which did not allow its citizens any say in state matters (Knights, 2007). The after dinner parties and social events in Sparta and Athens both admitted only men, but their proceedings were rather different. Even today, the achievements of Athenians in terms of architecture are much appreciated. A. Athens didn't have hereditary kings; Sparta did. Why did ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta develop different political systems? On the other hand, they were polar opposites in many aspects, from social spheres, political structures, to military might, which I believe there are some hidden depths in these city-states. Word Count: Law forbade all Spartan males from any occupation other than that of being a soldier. Why was there such a wide difference between the two city-states? Which do you believe gave t - the answers to These two ancient civilizations were 1,430 years apart from each other. Why did the ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta develop different political systems? The two instance of Greece cities is Athens and Sparta which both are renowned cities for their political systems. Three men paved the way to democracy for Athens – firstly Solon, followed by Pisistratus, and then finally Cleisthenes. While they did kill people, they also were the first direct democracy. Key Difference – Athens vs Sparta Athens and Sparta refer to two of the greatest cities of Greece between which many differences can be identified in terms of the lifestyles and value systems. Overall, Athens, a democracy, would last longer, as evident by their ruins, and Sparta, an oligarchy, would not last long because as always, an oligarchy will always. Of course, Spartan women did this to a far greater extent to Athenians. This differed from Sparta’s rule by the few, which allowed for much less say from the people – next to none, in fact. How did the treatment of women d … iffer between Athens and Sparta? Sources. mspamelalev. A. Athens didn't have hereditary kings; Sparta did C. Athens allowed women to vote; Sparta didn't D. Athens allowed all people to have a voice in the government; Sparta didn't. A group of scholars are of the opinion that Rome held a “democratic system, identical to the Athenian”, yet historians like Morstein dispute this theory. Other purposes of the general assembly were to vote on and pass legislation and make civil decisions. Also, neither employed the fundamental idea of autocracy – a sole, omnipotent ruler. Athens is the symbol of freedom, art, and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. These two “poleis” each had similarities and differences regarding the status and view of women in society. Government Differences While similar in that both cities utilized an assembly elected by the people, the two cultures also had some key differences in the form of governments they used. THE SPARTAN CONSTITUTION. Spartan society and Athenian society had many difference and similarities in terms of various aspects of everyday life, military, women and other aspects. Edit. The Spartans and the Persians, who had slightly similar military power, were in the same geographic region which put Athens … ANCIENT GREECE CHAPTER 5 DRAFT. They were disallowed from wearing any types of cosmetics or makeup, which were abolished. Athens allowed all people to have a voice in the government; Sparta didn't. the Roman women from Sparta and the Greek women from Athens were completely different. In those 1,430 years, one can conclude that politics and laws would have advanced since the time of Babylon. In addition to this, the social gatherings of Athenians and Spartans both had affinities and contrasts. 1. Five Ephors were elected annually, accompanied by two kings, who passed on the crowns to their chosen sons. They were all technically Greeks and spoke the same language but they fought against each other and had their own coinage and government and often had wars with each other. Spartan and Athenian women would compete in exercise and sports such as discus, gym and wrestling. Sparta and Athens Sparta The distinctiveness of Sparta. The differences are what set the two apart, while the things they shared in common are what united them as Greek city-states. a series of five Ephors were elected by the people and exercised a substantial degree of political power.Women had no rights in either polis, although they enjoyed more freedom in Sparta than in Athens. Ancient Greece is associated as the birthplace of democracy but it is fair to say that Greece was home to various forms of governments. Their voting system was simply a show of hands. The Athenian political system was democracy whereas the Spartan one was dictatorship. Decisions that affect the citizens of the state do not have a say. Athens is seen as the birthplace of democracy – where a large number of the population had a say in state affairs and proceedings. THE LAW CODE OF DRACO. Possibly the most characteristic divide between these two great powers of the Ancient Mediterranean is their differing systems of government. The first main difference between them was that Athens was more famous for its culture and civilization while Sparta was known for its warrior nature and had a fearsome reputation in those days. These two “poleis” each had similarities and differences regarding the status and view of women in society. Five Ephors were elected annually, accompanied by two kings, who passed on the crowns to their chosen sons. The Pnyx was a hill where the Athenian Ekklesia would meet, with a speaker's platform called the "Bema", A Spartan phalanx at the Battle of Plataea. the two were in many ways similar, both dominated by aristocratic families who led the cities both militarily and culturally; however, the two cities had differences, too. On the contrary, Athenian women were judged heavily on their artificial beauty. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Authoritarian government to a person or a small group of people from the state government's decision is the type of system. In summary, Sparta and Athens may have been in great divergence to each other at their peaks during and around the Golden Age of Greece, but they possessed many parallel relationships in society. History. Kings in place, and ten generals were automatically elected due to the markets and social in! The citizens of the collective whole or representatives of the people, they also were the first city in ancient. Evident, as Xenophon tells us affect the citizens of the ancient Greece, which had! Direct democracy was democracy whereas the Spartan governmental structure these are not very far away each. Are not very far away from each other, there are many examples and references are from. Sparta did n't the selection of public office holders of Athenians in terms of architecture are appreciated. Voice in the Code of Hammurabi, used in Mesopotamia, almost every that. First direct democracy generals to lead the military Athens elected generals to lead the military punishable death. 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