There are several machines that have been created to do just this. black diesel, WMO, free energy, used motor oil, centrifuge, US Filtermaxx, WVO Centrifuge, waste motor oil, biodiesel, recycmatt So, if your work area is especially chilly, he suggests you use a 75-watt lamp. Re-refined oil is good for the environment and it’s priced competitively to regular motor oil. Like to read more content, Join the Mother Earth News Community Today. Really miss them. It can also fuel large industrial plants. Used motor oil can be processed into fuel oils and used as raw materials for the petroleum industry. It doesn't do much good to carry around a spare quart of oil in your car if you can't find a can opener when you need one. The oil refining process is the central activity of downstream oil and gas companies. 1. Hi, thanks for stopping by. Also, do-it-yourself oil changers “close the recycling loop” with re-refined oil by turning in their old oil and purchasing motor oil that has been used, re-refined, and put back on store shelves for reuse. Thank You for watching. Oil lasts for thousands of years. Re-refining used motor oil means less crude oil has to be pumped and refined, which is a savings in natural resources as well as energy. Canadian subscriptions: 1 year (includes postage & GST). However, the most eco-friendly method is to “re-refine” it into new oil that can be used for the same lubrication purposes. Reclaiming oil in this way not only keeps the spent oil out of the environment, but significantly reduces the need for new oil. Used motor oil comes with somewhere between 5 and 7 percent water in it. Already a Member? We're sure no one has to be told that today's gasoline prices are astronomical, and if you've purchased a quart of oil lately you also know that "highway robbery" doesn't stop at the pump. SUBSCRIBE If you would. The process to re-refine used motor oil is, according to David Layzell, a scientist for Dominion Oil Refining, easier than refining crude oil. The United States Environmental Protection Agency states: “If properly managed, used oil is a valuable resource that can be used as a base stock for new lubricating oil… .”. Pour diesel product into a cleaned high heat chamber and repeat this step to further distill the fuel into a cleaner burning diesel. At the same time, the concentrations of some beneficial additives—including magnesium, boron, and phosphorous detergents—increased to the tune of between 200 and 389%. I would also wonder about the issues raised in t brandt's 3/6/2013 comment. Dennis prefers to recycle the oil from his own vehicles, rather than collect "strange" lubricant from the service station (where it may contain higher levels of dirt, antifreeze, and gasoline than does his "used" lubricant). You may also use the Bill Me option and pay $17.95 for 6 issues. Is this a safe practice with for a modern engine? Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide, The Seed Garden: The Art And Practice Of Seed Saving, Natural Cold Storage: Fresh Food in Winter, Keeping Crops Cool During Hot Weather: 13 Ways to Beat the Heat, Subscribe Today - Pay Now & Save 64% Off the Cover Price. Recycled motor oil also uses 56% fewer resources compared to oil made without recycled content. Re-refining of used lube oil is an economically attractive recycling method in terms of resources conservation and environment protection. Engine tech has changed a lot since this was written 35 years ago. Read on to learn what you need to know about how to handle your old motor oil. The chamber is then heated to 248 degrees Fahrenheit. The same technology however that distills motor oil from crude oil is essentially the same technology that distills used oil into diesel fuel. However, anyone who doesn't have access to welding equipment could readily double-bolt each limb—including the curved one, after flattening its end and fitting it to one side of the angle—to the metal stanchion.". Regardless of … It will also remove the dye from the dyed diesel fuel at up to 15L per hour. Re-refined used oil is blended with additives to produce oil suitable for re-use in the same way as a 100 per cent virgin oil product. That will help you to build a real continuous waste motor oil distiller that would be capable of continuously processing used automotive and industrial oils into usable and clean diesel fuel at rates of up to 10L per hour. It allows processing of hazardous material in a safe and effective way to recover an high quality oil product. Used oil can be refined to yield base oils that are blended into lubricating products, thus reducing the consumption of virgin oils and it can be used as a feedstock for hydro conversion for production fuels and fuel oil. The United States Environmental Protection Agency states: “If properly managed, used oil is a valuable resource that can be used as a base stock for new lubricating oil… .”. A good friend used to use used motor oil as fule for his diesel stand-by generator, to charge his house batteries when it wasn't windy. 1, Fig. This is because during its use the oil comes in contact with metal particles, dirt, water and other impurities which can contaminate it. Would be interested in a 21st century follow up to this article. Relative to waste vegetable oil, motor oil is fairly clean. In my town they still use oil and gravel to coat the roads every 2-4 years - just drop the gravel, spray down with oil and let traffic work the gravel down into the macadam. There are many uses for recycled used oil.These include: 1. Both scheduled and emergency pick up service is available. It makes good economic and environmental sense to recycle your motor oil and to purchase re-refined oil when possible. Dennis began experimenting with waste oil reprocessing back in 1974, with excellent results, and figured that our readers might appreciate being let in on his "secret." Aluminum rolling oils also can be filtered on site and used over again. While draining the crankcase and removing the oil filter, it is ideal to catch every drop of used oil. ; Provide grants to local governments, nonprofit organizations, and for research and demonstration projects. One way to cool these vapors quickly is by inserting the end of the pipe into a container with cool water in it. WVO may have fish parts, batter, salt, corn meal, water or any number of large debris. Make sure the cap is tightly sealed and store in a cool, dry place away from heat, sunlight, children and pets. Pour off the Kerosene product and replace the cooling chamber with a small amount of water inside. David Roberts has been writing since 1985. You'll find tips for slashing heating bills, growing fresh, natural produce at home, and more. He received a Master of Business Administration from Florida Metropolitan University in 2005. Recycling used motor oil back for repeat use makes environmental sense because it takes approximately 85 percent less energy to make a quart of re-refined motor oil from recycled used … Dennis emphasizes that his petroleum reprocessor isn't a refinery, but—by the same token—it is a good deal more effective than is a simple strainer. Get a Free Quote oil? Remove the water from the used oil. I've achieved my best processing results when operating the device with the control valve nearly shut to maintain a drip... simply because both the filter and the evaporator are then given more time to work.". 1. You changed your own oil - good for you! Here at Castrol, we understand the importance of looking after the environment by recycling used motor oil. When oil companies have a large amount of used oil on their hands, They can re-refines it (if they have a re-refinery), they can either burn it in the refinery furnaces, or dump it back ito the crude oil feedstock, where it will end up as either a heavy bunker fuel oil or, if the overall feedstock is suitable for making lube oil, as new lube stock. He sent "dirty" oil & filtered oil to be tested & got what seems to be a favorable result. Once it is refined and used in our vehicles only to be discarded 3,000 miles later, it is still in a form that will keep for many years. The Total Acid Number (a measure of low pH) decreased by 9.2%, probably as a result of the alkaline effect of the detergents. The device Dennis Burkholder cobbled together to recycle motor oil looks like this. Used Oil Can Be Recycled in the Following Ways. Refining output is larger than input "The process starts when you pour the used motor oil into the opening of the large column. In some states, such as Minnesota, all motor oil suppliers are legally required to post listings of used oil collection sites or a toll-free number with the relevant information. There is a cheap way to filter your old used motor oil and reuse it again. Analytic Testing To Ensure Quality. Caveat lector: engine oil becomes less effective for three reasons [1] actual breakdown of the oil molecules [2] contaimation with soot & metal particles, and [3] aciidification (the most common problem). BUT, he didn't compare his processed oil to new oil. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources. We have a state-of-the-art manufacturing unit which is equipped with the latest machinery to manufacture world class Used Engine Oil Re-Refining Plant. The actual oil filter element is nothing more than a roll of ordinary bathroom tissue, which is mounted on a "retrieving" pole and snugly fit into the 4" diameter PVC drainpipe. 1, Fig. If you've got questions on how to store your oil, where and how to recycle it or even what qualifies as used oil - we're here to help. If you perform your oil changes at home, follow these steps to ensure that that your old oil gets recycled properly.