Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. In this essay he also speaks about the potential of Americans emigrating to other countries, including Russia. It really is a concise and important expose. God bless you for the kindly description of (what once were?) I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World. Growing their own food? However, there is no other document except for the Minsk agreements. Or perhaps taking things even further, perhaps request a union of sorts with the Russian Federation? Thus, there is an objective reason to prefer Zelensky over Poroshenko, which is that Poroshenko is a major thief while Zelensky isnt one yet, but it must be understood that this difference will begin to equalize the moment after Zelenskys inauguration. Orlov registered two assists and three hits in a 3-2 win over Edmonton on Monday. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed. No skipping over the unpleasant. Very nice people compared to the Aussie/British riff raff. Unlike Russia where there was a great deal of residual folk knowledge, most Americans are dumber than rocks and without a rocks resilience. The key to survival with this strategy is not to be tempted by leftist adventurism or be maneuvered into opportunistic sell out, or to be victimized by the drug gangs who are rivals for power in the community. Thank you Saker and Dmitry Orlov. Thanks to both Saker and Dmitry. Dmitry Orlov tags: optimism 8 likes Like "One of the rudest questions you might hear from an American is "What do you do for a living?" The only proper response is "Excuse me?" followed by a self-satisfied smirk and a stony silence. the female pelvis is the altar to which we spontaneously direct our NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all. How would you compare the situation in Novorussia with what is taking place in the Ukraine? I am afraid you are wrong. As collapse intensifies, these Anglo American entities led by the USA will surely lash out in even more aggressive wars to maintain their unipolar world order that they have ruled over since the fall of the Soviet Union. The easiest way to defeat the Outlaw US Empire is to decapitate the most important members of its 1% while disrupting the entire communication system. Kevin and I take a detailed look at my latest book, The Arctic Fox Cometh. Dmitry writes on subjects related to economic, ecological and political decline in the West and argues that America is imploding. Perhaps the invading barbarians will see this and die laughing; but what if they dont? And what they are doing in Ukraine is pretty clear: And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. Have to wait and see. It will certain decline further, plumbing the depths of depravity more than it has to date, but the system will chug along. What the GJ propose is true democracy. Its a poignant thing, these United States. Hard words, guys, for a very hard situation! While, on the surface, people support ideas like higher minimum wage, universal health-care and other aspects of social democracy, it their masters say no then theyll forgo it and take pride in their ability to endure suffering, early death, their children on heroin or meth, and so on. Take it as it comes. b) that its possible to achieve truly prodigious results without slavery, mayhem, and murder even as the West launches extermination campaigns against your country. As for Strielkov, he was always dramatic, but maybe he had no choice. One often hears Make snippets of Dmoney talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. The object of the exercise was to somehow allow president Poroshenko to make it into the second round. Dear Mulga Mumblebrain, if you are able to do so plant some trees. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. "They will also tell you how far along we are along the depletion curve; the optimists among them will even claim that there is nothing to worry about, because we have two or three decades of production left at the current level. However, aside from acquired taste for Ukrainian cuisine, drinking songs and clothing, Nikita Khrushchev was Russian. Given you own experience living in Crimea and your network of contacts throughout the Donbass, and considering the time elapsed since the evens of 2013-2014, do you think that there is any viable chance that regions such as Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk would seek to join Donetsk and Lugansk in forging a new state? Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. The Essential Saker IVThe Essential Saker IV free PDF download, The Essential Saker IIIThe Essential Saker III free PDF download, Click on the icon for an explanation of feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It can be proved. Unz Review site is down. The pension reform did hurt him somewhat, but he recovered by pushing through a raft of measures designed to ease the transition. Locating potable water? Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nighan all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. Even the expert (and he is very well known) author of the book I was working on mentioned this. Washington is filled with smart kleptocrats who understand they cannot afford to destroy the country that keeps on giving them the wealth and power they crave. Is that true? So be it. For someone who was occupied by Soviet government (who were all Polish) you sure know nothing about how the USSR worked. That was a mighty interesting and at times amusing read. This is a fact. In one of the Polish classics the author wrote a wonderful but sad thing about the end of military men rozdziobi nas kruki, wrony in short Crows and Wrens are going to feed on us. 4 Signposts of American Collapse Which Also Occurred in the USSR, The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It, Systematic American Mistakes Are Making Russia Great Again, The US Intelligence Community Is Tearing the Country Apart from the Inside. No, I dont think so. Text of the At this time we are like a frog on a hot rock, jumping everywhere. The only birthright of a US citizen is to live as a bum on the street, surrounded by other bums, many of them foreigners from what Trump has termed shithole countries.. Thus I encourage readers (listeners) to note his argument down on paper and consider the incipient implications that attend his reason. Your mileage might vary. Etc etc etc for the next three weeks. He spent most of his life here, went through school and college, but ventured back to Russia for a while in the 1990s out of curiosity after the fall of the USSR. Apologies if youve been asked this all too many times already. Overall, the structure looks like a matryoshka doll. Instead, what has occurred is several decades of thievery, stagnation and decay. The technosphere can be a dangerous place, according to Orlov's new book, Shrinking the Technosphere. The hunter tosses it onto the table and everyone gawps at it. So they firmly stated that the only worthy knowledge is a functional one. Dmitry Orlov: I believe that we will be subjected to more of the same, although some things cant go on forever, and therefore wont. Katherine. MOSCOW Moscow is calling on Kiev to renounce its plans to resolve the dispute over the Kerch incident before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the differences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Of course, it will all be made to look highly democratic for the sake of appearances. They are of a new breed of thoroughly professional career politicians with up-to-date managerial skills. No, the main/only reason Russia is biding its time with regard to these two provinces is because it does not want more complications on the international scene, especially at a time where the gas pipes are being laid etc. Americans strut around but feel powerless and dont have a plan or think they can have a plan because they lack the conceptual frameworks to understand that their leadership is thoroughly rotten. , , . This assumption is inconsistent with the actual dynamic, which is that there are twp major military campaigns involved in the grand strategy. Germany, a smaller economy with no sovereign government could absorb the RDA. British referendum voters have certainly tried to prod their government in that direction, and in response their government has been experimenting with various methods of rolling over and playing dead, but a different government might actually try to execute the will of the people. View career paths Pre-College The Muscovite Russians even instinctively admit that this heritage is not really theirs, so that they name their currency ruble from rubaty to chop off parts of the hrivna silver or gold coins,and the Muscovite Russians adopt the two-headed eagle symbol of old imperial Byzantium, not the trident, as old Byzantium was actually a rival of Kyivan Rus and fought some wars with the Kyivan realm.The first khokhol by hairstyle documented in history was none other that Great King Sviatoslav Ihorevych the Conqueror, notably campaigning against Greek Byzantium.Unfortunately, starting with Great King Ivan so-called Terrible,he forever broke away from the heritage of Kyivan Rus primarily by what he did to the city-state-republic of Nogvorod, one of the oldest bastions of Kyivan Rus and how he and his son exterminated the original population of that city (that would stand as one of his greatest crimes), not to mention his weird devil-worshipping cult of oprichhina. What may speed things up is that Europe, along with the US, appear to be heading into a recession/depression. And all this talk about how America`s military is junk is wishful thinking. This cannot last for ever. I think if they wrote about us, they would present these facts emotionally. USA/West//NATO/Europe will NOT allow thelseves to fail; they are so arrogant and so full of themselves they WILL try to start a war, most likely in flashpoint places like the Kertch straight or South Sea. The plural of ethnos is (ethne), not ethnoi, as the Greek word is (gender-)neutral rather than masculine. the virtues of the American people. They all needed to at least go through the boot camp. Insurrection? It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. Why do you, Dmitry, continue to live in the USA? Orlov tallied an assist while logging 23:49 of ice time during Tuesday's 3-2 loss to the Hurricanes. It has no memory and it decides nothing. He was drafted 55th overall by the Washington Capitals in the 2nd round of the 2009 entry draft. We still have lots of insects, but markedly down in numbers over recent years, and every gardener I speak to notes that the climate is definitely rapidly changing, and becoming drier and hotter. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. Perhaps the future holds some spark of brightness for the people. The US Outspends Russia 10X On Military, But They Are Equals. More from Dmitry Orlov on The American Collapse https://cluborlov.blogspot.com "In the ongoing US presidential election, an almost-dead candidate and his charming assistant have been voted for by an army of the undead: voters that have mailed in their ballots in spite of being deceased. Something went wrong Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? Political machinations and intrigue as we have known them will be going spectacularly bye-bye, and not in the far flung future. Are you excited yet? Their idea is to get their cut and flee the country before the whole thing blows up. Many Europeans dont like Conchita Wurst either or dont even know the hewoman. Make snippets of Doberman talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. for is a way to ennoble our suffering, not to cheapen it with vulgar The only part of the US which probably will emerge as a cohesive force will be the old South, Dixie land, which has history and tradition behind it. An alternative theory is that the poor person who once owned this skeleton simply had the habit of throwing his boomerang and then forgetting that he threw it. Starting in 2005, Dmitry has published . bone)for the Ancient Greeks believed the sacrum to be the seat of Very powerful, but yeah, $$$ the relentless pursuit of profit ahead of people and this Planet we all live on. Even the Ukrainian national emblem the trident hails from those days in the 900s-1200s. Dmitry Orlov, a presentation and an interview. It is a I am not trying to argue with you as the things you said did happen. idea well, what of them? while wren is a small marsh bird, As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops.. It was missed by many people I believe. banter about collapse; instead, you can now harness the full depth of No spam, please. The problem of empires is that they imagine themselves to be so powerful that they can allow themselves small miscalculations and errors. Madness is the loss of everything but reason. It saddens me to think that so much has been lost or neglected over the years. Quite so. We have seen huge fires in sub-tropical rain-forests (unknown since White settlement), in temperate rain forests and alpine meadows in Tasmania (also previously unseen, probably for hundreds of years, at least). Anyone taking about planes hitting towers and building collapsing is pushing an agenda. Ill listen again. Elpidios, Video & Transcript), Communist Infiltrators Planted Pedophiles in the Catholic Church, EPIC - Russians Singing the Book of Revelation (English Subtitles), Fr. Is incredible how far the financial system still runing, in south america Argentina and Brasil are runing on debt and the social violence is huge in brasiland well the next year I see economical and social conditions worst, and the political system continue runing. Given the choice between certain death and just sitting on the sidewalk doing drugs, most people will choose the latter. One cross is, perforce, for Jesus If in the future the Ukraine fails completely and fractures into pieces, as appears likely, and if some of these pieces (which might theoretically include not just Donetsk and Lugansk regions but also Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk) clamor to join Russia, then Russia would face a serious problem. Dmitry is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and . If something like what I lay out is not soon done, then humanity and much of the rest of the biosphere on this planet are toast. When RAND proposed a counterforce strategy, which would require SAC to restrain itself from striking Soviet cities at the beginning of a war, Power countered with: After some rousing The video of the interview with Orlov, in Russian, can be found here. pack guncotton into artillery shells. 3. The resulting hole in public consciousness was plugged by making a cargo cult of European integration: it was announced that the Ukraine was leaving the Russian world behind and joining the European Union and NATO. Alfred: greetings from Melbourne! We differ in the assumptions. In the 1960s the Black Panthers set up community service organizations ( food banks, day care centers, local armed militias) and their slogan wasPower to the People. Eventually the place will become nearly empty, which seems to be precisely what Ukraine and its handlers seek to achieve. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. Therefore, we should expect most of the country to go dark over time. Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. Rockets are strategically important: if the other side's rockets give it the ability to destroy your side with impunity, then your strategy is to negotiate the terms of your surrender. And the fourth genitalia, motherhood and God. Clearly China doesnt fit into Orlovs idea of an empire as a wealth pump that sucks from the periphery to enrich the centerthis is true of course of exploitation-based imperial projects such as western colonialismbut is clearly not applicable to the Chinese model, which has been both the biggest and most durable empire in human historyso that is a big hole in Orlovs theory, It is true that the USSR was a fundamentally different kind of empire from the exploitative western colonialismand it is also true that it ultimately did not succeedalthough it managed to accomplish almost incomprehensible progress in modernization, science and technologyand industrializationthe foundations of Russian strength today rest squarely on the foundations put in place during the Stalin era, Elsewhere on this site there is a brilliant series of essays by Ramin Mazaheri about the tumultuous cultural revolution of the 1960sand why it was necessaryRussia also needed a cultural revolution around this timethe system needed to be rejigged to better serve the peoplein living standardfairness and justiceopportunity for social advanceetc, But it never happenedinstead the system became more sclerotic than everand the welfare of the people stagnatedat the very moment in time when the capitalist west, especially the United States, was able to reign in the appetites of its parasite class and provide the people with a decent share of its [largely ill-gotten, by means of global finance colonialism] gains[during the postwar decades, the share of national wealth of the 0.1 percent fell to an all time low of about 7 percentabout a quarter of historic, and current levels], This was the golden age in the USwell paying jobs in industry were plentiful and the company president made perhaps ten times what the shop floor worker took homea second household income was completely unnecessaryuniversity education at state colleges was practically free, The life of the Soviet citizen in the1960s was not too far behindStalins five year plans in the1930s had created an industrial powerhouseit was Russias ability to produce that allowed it to prevail over Germany in the existential warand despite the devastation of the people, cities and countryside Russia was able to quickly become a technological superpoweras an aerospace engineer I have a deep appreciation of the depth and breadth of Russian technical achievements and the basic scientific advances that made that possiblethe US was laughably left in the dust, despite having skimmed the cream of Nazi Germanys technical scientific talentand contrary to what US propaganda would have the people believe, China in the postwar era was starting from scratchmillions were in danger of starving, and many didthere was no industry nor infrastructure to speak ofMaos great leap forward lifted several hundred million souls out of the very real possibility of perishingthe foundations of industry, some of which were already in place thanks to Russian help were systematically builtcompared to Russia and the US China started from 100 years backalthough its worth noting that 200 years ago China was the worlds biggest and most prosperous economy by far, So these are the broad historical strokes of the 20th centuryits useless to talk about empires as some kind of pumps without first understanding these basic dynamicsthe simple fact is that China has done everything right in the last 70 yearswhile Russia did great [and smart] things under Stalin and the momentum of those accomplishments managed to carry over for a couple of more decades, before the system crumbled, due to lack of renewal, Chinas communist party again showed its dexterity by making yet another renewal in the1980sallowing a limited and pragmatic capitalism to carve out a niche for itself and help millions to achieve prosperitymuch is made in the ridiculous western press about Chinas billionaires, but hundreds of millions of peasants and street level business people making a better life for themselves is where the real story lies, Of course the massive Chinese empire has been adapting like this for centuries, if not millenniaRussia with the Soviet Union only needed to make similar smart adjustmentsinstead they threw out the baby with the bathwaterlets see where Russia goes from here, but with people like Siluanov and Nabiullina in charge of the nations money, I am not optimistic. Hence neatly erasing Gownopolska small wonder our esteemed Polak here has to slander her as well as her achievements. There they will fight it out with newcomers from Middle East and Africa while the natives take to their beds, hope for the best and think good thoughts about gender neutrality and other such worthy causes. It is still going strong in others, but it not to early to imagine (dare I say, predict?) Ukraine (except Galicia which never contributed anything) went from being a top-notch industrial powerhouse as part of the USSR to a Western owned and ditto run Nazi asylum. It was only a week ago when Dmitry Orlov's name first started making its way into the NHL trade deadline chatter that fuels the . We no longer have that safety valve with the current Neocon barkers. How does Mr Orlov arrive that the USSA and EU NATO politicians + army brass have brain cells left to be capable of thinking that the idea to seek war with Russia or China is a bad one? Modernization, or bringing the region up to date, could proceed at whatever pace Russia chose, it would not have to happen in a couple of years. A number of people who commented on that essay at the Club Orlov site responded to this idea in various ways, mainly saying they would love to emigrate to Russia but were too old to do so. Make snippets of Dobie talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. It was Lenin who lumped in its eastern regions (Donetsk and Lugansk specifically) who previously were part of Russia proper. Russia has been around longer and has had successful comebacks under way more destruction. Im glad that hes embracing that reality now. American world order itself are premised upon their own ruthless exploitation of the Global South and developing nations in general. I spent some months in a local boarding house where it costs around A$200/week to rent a room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. The Saker: What is your take on the first round of Presidential elections in the Ukraine? Also if you look at *.wordpress.com it should cover ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com but for some reason it does not. We also dont want the Europe of Conchita Wurst infecting the Russian nation. In the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that neither EU nor NATO membership is the least bit likely, or necessary: the EU got everything it wanted from the Ukraine by forcing it to sign the Association Agreement while giving nothing of value in return; and Ukrainian territory already serves as a playground for NATO training exercises. Wow.determined to throw out the old crowd????????? Good management practices can be applied to anything, positive or negative, and Orlov points out that there seems to be a new generation of professional politicians developing in Russia. But it never had much practical merit, and the working language of the Ukrainians was always Russian. How Long Would the US Navy Survive in a Shooting War? One good read is Peter Phillips recent book and here is a recent interview: If the Ukraine is ever to be reborn as something that Russia would find acceptable, it is these people who can provide the starter culture. But the Anglos studiously avoid facing the reality that their precious way of life, capitalist system, and Anglo- From a purely cynical perspective, this little war is useful for Russia. Dmitry is an astute commentator, well worth listening to his take on Russia's military operation in the Ukraine. I moved out and am now living temporarily in a luxury apartment on the Esplanade. I used to think I had my own thoughts on Ukraine and inequality/European politics. For all his numerous failings, Boris Yeltsin did one thing right: he dismantled the USSR (although the way he went about it was beyond incompetent and verged on treason).