El Padrino, the officers would soon learn, was Adolfo de Jess Constanzo. You play you pay. You look at these deviants when their in a group and they all act so cool, I wonder what they feel like when they know it's over and their going down that long road to that destination their hoping never comes.
Its funny how the muertos de hambre zetas and cdg post whit guns in their pics and when they have to use them their balls drop lol one scum bag less Good, Women want equal rights, well they can get equal machetazos too. Shepherdedby charismatic cult leader Adolfo Constanzo and his witch, Sara Aldrete, they are responsible for 15 murders, maybe more. Born on March 5, 1968, in Chicago, Illinois, Mark Kilroys family moved to Texas when he was young. ..or maybe the angel of death coming after her? Constanzo was baptized Catholic and served as an altar boy, but also accompanied his mother on trips to Haiti to learn about Vodou. He was taken by his abductors to a ranch where he was tortured and sodomized for hours before being murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. The cult was lead by Adolfo Constanzo, a. Hotels travelers are raving about. In early March 1989, Constanzo ordered his followers to bring him an Anglo male for his next human sacrifice, according to Salt Lake CitysDeseret News. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the Gulf cartel if pseudonyms were not used. Ironic that her shirt would have the word "Love" on it!!!! Enjoy Hell you sadistic killing bitch! Of his multiple Mexican victims, only nine have been identified. While the big bosses are sitting somewhere in a private party listening to Tucanes or some other band live partying it up in mansions and giving orders through a radio. The Matamoros Cult Murders | Ages of Murder [1989] Experiment 53 8.15K subscribers Subscribe 87 Save 4.8K views 4 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Almost. It was through his drug connections that Constanzo ended up at the ranch in Santa Elena. In the early morning hours of March 14, cult members snatched Kilroy off a side street in Matamoros where he had been barhopping. group-Los Ciclones. last @ 4:32 She is dead same thing happened to her she got chopped up by the zetas. But despite numerous calls and tips, nothing panned out. Your email address will not be published. All four were closely bonded and had known each other since high school basketball in Santa Fe. The photos paint a grim picture of the raging war taking place just south of the Texas border. But the police promised us that they wouldnt lessen the intensity of their investigation., Related Multiple graves which held the bodies of ritually sacrificed murder victims at a cult in Matamoros, Mexico. There, Lt. George Gravito took their statements. He and his brothers had gone out to the bars, wading through the thousands of American tourists, looking for a victim that fit El Padrinos criteria. "Ciclones operating in Matamoros. It's a shame they ruined a good cool box, when a black trash bag would have done the job. Sort of like soldiers do for their government That's just the thing, they find these uneducated kids that see $400.00 a month and think it's big bucks, either that or they kidnap some kid and scare the crap out of them to do their dirty work for damn near nothing. Mugrozzzozzz y Golfas par de secusecuestradores, abusivos, mal pagados y corrientes! As a grown-up, he decided to move to Mexico City, where he met the future priestess Sara Aldrete, who was known among her peers as a good student who studied physical education, preparing herself for university until the day she was initiated into Adolfo's cult which involved expensive blood sacrifices of chickens, goats, snakes, zebras and even lion cubs. Hedid as he was told, riddling them with machine gun fire. Matamoros is a popular place for teenagers to visit because of lenient laws on alcohol and nightclubs. 1 photo Storyline Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007). He admitted that his family grew cannabis at the Santa Elena Ranch outside of town, where Comandante Juan Benitez Ayala, of Mexicos Federal Police, discovered 75 pounds of marijuana. Yes, that ice will feel good for a time, but where they are "all" heading there will be no escape from the heat, and it will be agonizing. As a teenager, he became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. The quartet all former high-school basketball and baseball teammates from Santa Fe, Texas were looking forward to a week of drinking, sunning and meeting girls on the beach. One question is this the same flaca That back in 2011 the article about the shootout in Zacatecas that left 15sicarios dead and 17captured was telling ppl off in BB's comments section ..if so she had it coming with the replys she made to two or more go back check it out she cursed like a person with no respect to others on BB's comments section for that shootout she cursed at the ppl congratulating the MX military for a good job she took up the Zs side.. The other three continued, confident that Kilroy would catch up when hed finished. That's weird . check out the shape of it. But it soon became clear that Marks case was different. As for what happened to Kilroy after that, the old man didnt know. Look behind her she has cheap ass furniture, old shcool tv's on top off each other! Sara Mara Villareal Aldrete Adherents seek favor with different representational deities and make offerings to them, including food, with ritualistically slaughtered chickens being the most common, according to theBBC. [2] His cult was said to be associated with the notable Gulf Cartel.[3]. 6:15 "they" warned, apparently you can't readSome of us like to see all the dirt, it is really needed to see how things really go in Mexico, grow up or leave Corrrect, she lost all respect once she picked up the gun 4.03My god there are some imbeciles on here?The mistake I was referring to was Joselyn for allowing her identity to be posted online where enemies can see it,,nothing at all to do with BB..I too believe in showing the truth.Try and be a bit more perceptive,if possible? Others referred to them as The Matamoros Cult, for the border town where their compound was located, or simply PaloMayombe, the name of the Afro-Cuban religion they warped to their own bloody ends. Hope they took the beer out of the cooler before the body went in wasting beer should be a crime. Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. He freaked out, just as the anthropologist predicted. A ritually sacrificed chicken in a pot at a cult run ranch in Matamoros, Mexico. The ciclones are bad people so is the metros they all kidnap, extortion and tax people. YouTubeBy the time a reward was offered, Mark Kilroy had already been butchered. Kilroys legs were amputated, and his brains found in a shack boiled in a pot with a roasted turtle. Browse 3,036 matamoros pictures stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images.
De Len was given a 30-year term. When the group decided to leave and started walking toward the border, Mark wanted to visit a bathroom, but his friends decided to wait in the car just across the border. They threw him in the back of their van and drove a few blocks away to wait for the other car driven by their brothers. Matamoros, Mexico. They get left behind. Constanzo led the cult with Sara Aldrete, whom followers nicknamed "The Godmother" (La Madrina). Looking inside, they spotted candles, an altar, a large cauldron, and other items they associated with brujera. As he left Kilroys side, Huddleston noticed a Mexican man motioning in their direction. missing college student Mark Kilroy. I just wish all the innocent people these scum bags could actually see them roasting in hell, if there is one (I hope so), it would be so beautiful to hear their screams as their skin boils off and knowing it will continue for eternity is the topping of the cake. Abel Lima "El Sodomita de Iztapalapa" (alleged suspect for the kidnappings in the mid-90s). especially her face on the left side and eyes gouged out. Blond and well built, a premed and a good athlete, Kilroy, 21, was the all-American boy next door, described by one of his friends as an above-average kind of guy.. When are these people gonna realize that they are being used just to take up space in back of a truck and on their caravans when they go on missions. Born in Miami to a Cuban immigrant mother, Constanzo had been raised in the Palo Mayombe tradition, an Afro-Caribbean religion related to Santera, but considered to be much darker.
As Breitbart Texas previously reported, the cartel war is being fought by members of Los Ciclones, which are based in the Mexican border city of Matamoros, and the Metros, who are based out of the border city of Reynosa. Some wore necklaces made from their victims' vertebrae. Rituals often include animal sacrifice and the use of human bones however, human sacrifice is strictly forbidden. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) - The Mexican army is reporting the capture of a top Sinaloa cartel operative in the state of Chihuahua and the killing of a Gulf cartel leader in Matamoros, Mexico.. An army unit based in Madera, Chihuahua, engaged in a firefight with members of a cell of the Sinaloa cartel on Friday in the town of La Nortea; the shootout led to the capture of Francisco . Presiding over this criminal enterprise was Saul Hernandez Rivera, Elios older brother. Adolfo de Jess Constanzo was born in Miami, Florida in 1962. Why did El Padrino want them to kidnap Kilroy? Constanzo began shooting. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help South Padre Island, Texas for spring break. The shack containing Kilroys brains was burned to the ground, while Aldrete and four other cult members received prison sentences between 30 and 60 years. lmao.
[5] Police quickly discovered the cult and that Constanzo had been responsible for Kilroy's death; he sought a "good"/superior brain for one of his ritual spells. Initially, the cult's godmother Sara was convicted of conspiracy and jailed for six years. Sin modestia , soy un hombre, Escucho tus palabras.Ingls es mi primera. 58 Reviews . they beat the shit out of them before the final blast! And his spine had been cut open and threaded with wire, just as Serafn had said. Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. not bad One person found this helpful Search Sort by Top reviews Filter by All reviewers All stars Text, image, video 25 total ratings, 15 with reviews From the United States Alfredo Torres The Roots of Evil or possible candidate that will become a premier leader of all CDG cells in the near future? Some, including Kilroy, had their hearts torn out. Propaganda says they get paid X amount in pesos every month, and "steaks"Why all of them maruchaneros only eat maruchan?Clearly propaganda is one thing, reality another ETERNAL HELL FOR WHAT? Beer gets recycled all the time, what do you think TECATE is?Tecate addicts are the worst beer drinkers in the whole world She thinks she is a bad ass working for the cartel. Shake my hed peepwle, This never would a happened to her had she stayed in the kitchen ! They also unearthed what one witness called a human slaughterhouse..