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Caleb used multiple spells to retrieve a threshold crest from the A2 ruins, with Yasha's assistance. [art 4] The following day, the Nein met a party of Dwendalian scouts, who were immediately ambushed by Kryn warriors. He agreed. While claiming rooms in the Xhorhaus, Caleb chose the only bedroom on the ground floor of the home. His attacks forced Lucien to burn through legendary resistances, and when Essek was charmed, Caleb dispelled the effect. [54] However, he came under the tutelage of the abusive Trent Ikithon a bit over a year later. # LAURA Put it on, Caleb. Before Caleb attempted the spell, Nott told the party she loved them and gave Caleb a kiss. Fjord noted that despite what happened to him, Caleb still had a reverence for the institution, and Caleb agreed. Wis Later, the Nein met with Vess DeRogna in her tower, and Caleb offered the Nein's collaboration in her Aeorian project. And they did so. He also has two red-eye tattoos, one between his shoulderblades and one on the front of his right shoulder. When the temple flooded, Caleb and Nott saved the party from falling after being shot out the top of the temple by a geyser by both casting Feather Fall. "Temple of the False Serpent" (2x39) Caleb killed an ettin with Fireball, triggering a PTSD episode, and Beau carried him back to the cart so he could recover. Caleb and Beau awakened with another red eye each. At least, the girl I knew. [art 41], Fan art of "Dragonleb", by Svalbirdd. However, Caleb seemed to sympathize with Fjord's conflicted feelings finding out that his mentor Vandran turned out to be a different man than Fjord thought he was. [268][269] Caleb currently has an ancient spellbook from Halas's library containing Magic Jar, Trap the Soul[270], and Clone.[271]. [132], Caleb respected Fjord's desire to tell him about his past at his own pace. "The Genesis Ward" (2x135) Astrid and Eadwulf were present in the Mighty Nein's battle against Trent, eventually turning on their abuser and helping Caleb defeat him. Caleb Widogast explaining his history and goals. Lvl 17 He wondered out loud why he was still with the Mighty Nein. Stream Avantika, Jamedi Cosko and the Mighty Nein went into the jungle on the island of Urukayxl. Player Character (Campaign 2)Non-player Character (Campaign 3) [art 11]. Caleb used a combination of his Scroll of Protection from Aberrations and the Mind Blank spell to remain safe from Lucien in his Neo-Somnovem form. Caleb gave the name "Phillip" as his pirate alias to Captain Avantika. While sailing to the peace negotiations, Caleb revealed to Fjord that he valued his new-found family with the Mighty Nein because he had killed his own for those in power in the Empire. Back on the Squalleater, Caleb questioned Fjord about his intentions. Aldric comes from a Germanic name, derived from the elements, Ermendrud is Germanic as well, derived from the elements, Caleb came up with the adventuring party's name the, During the early campaign, a common fan theory speculated Caleb was a. Caleb once claimed to have invented the club-and-ball sport known as "golf". He then cast Widogast's Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, lovingly customized for Beau and Yasha's date. Suddenly, she broke one of her chains and stabbed Caleb deeply with a pointed piece of metal before being overpowered by the guards, and Essek magically killed her at Caleb's signal. Caleb accidentally revealed Nott's goblin nature in a social misunderstanding. Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. While exploring the temple interior, the party discovered inscriptions on the walls that couldn't be deciphered, even with Comprehend Languages. 10 "Xhorhas" (2x51) Before the party Plane Shifted back to the Blooming Grove, Caleb gave Veth and Essek a hug. A man born from patricide and flames is working his way towards health. The real issue is that her direction for her character and Matt's direction of Yasha seem to be very different, so any time she returns she has to play the stormlords chosen (TM) where she has 0 involvement and RP with Marishas self insert character and her poorly concealed desire to get pegged by a muscle-mommy. Caleb was initially suspicious of Twiggy. # LIAM I start to take off this purple cloak and another inner layer, and I start to slide into this thing. For the heist of the Sour Nest, Caleb sent Frumpkin in owl form to scout the exterior. Caleb and Essek were in a romantic relationship "for a while," though Caleb eventually wanted to separate due to their difference in aging. While Caleb remained in Rexxentrum, teaching bright private students who had not been accepted at the Soltryce Academy and occasionally giving guest lectures there, he and Beauregard had attuned sending stones so he could communicate with her at her home in Zadash. I breakdown Caleb Widogast as a character. "Rebirth" (2x139) She warned that Ikithon was more likely to be there at night, and that it would be best to get in and out quickly and quietly. After being revived by Fjord, Caleb turned and cast Fireball on the Squalleater, cremating most of the crew. He got 2 of those from Wizard, and 1 from Variant Human. Once the monsters were killed, Capeleb picked up Essek and waved him in front of the clerics, attempting to get them to heal him. He admitted for the first time that his real name was Bren Aldric Ermendrud. [art 35], Jester and Caleb are very close friends. She replied that she just wanted him to be okay, and if that meant killing Trent Ikithon, she was fine taking care of that first. Apparently alone, Nott told Caleb that she had a confession: a while back, she wrote a letter to Astrid. Later in the week, Essek visited the Xhorhaus. "Lost & Found" (2x13) They bonded over their feelings of guilt and grief. It had a rocky start, as Jester came from a sheltered, lavish upbringing and Caleb had a very troubled past and came from a poor household, which meant their worldviews were very different. A small turtle statue sculpted by Jester as a child. [art 3] Official 2019 portrait of Caleb, by Ari. he/him He's broken, he's traumatized, but he's doing his best. A charmed Yasha hit him again, knocking him unconscious, and and then hit him again to leave him at two failed death saving throws. Caleb got to experience the ocean for the first time, saying that it reminded him of his personal experiences with the beacon. Caleb then cast Teleport to move the book between his parent's bodies. Caleb and Yasha have similar tragic backgrounds, feeling responsible for the death of a loved one. The following morning, Caleb attempted to Teleport the Tombtakers' threshold crest to the Rexxentrum Cobalt Soul. He purchased new, stylish clothes in "Agreements" (2x61), throwing away his old tattered ones.[30]. [148] However, Caleb saw deep similarities between their mistakes, and encouraged Essek to make amends for his crimes. Caleb assisted in the humiliation of Foreman Bodo by casting Seeming on the party, turning them all into Bodo or his mistress. Caleb seemed hesitant and suspicious of Fjord's intentions. Astrid replied, "race you to the top. Beau was one of the first people to hear about Caleb's past, and never shared his secret until he was ready to do so himself. During his downtime, he copied the spell Teleportation Circle into his spellbook. AC "Steam and Conversation" (2x09) Campaign Two (141 episodes)Campaign Three (1 episode)Specials (3 episodes) "Duplicity" (2x55) And I am like them. His room was adjacent to a study, to which he added an alchemical lab for the Brenattos. Caleb, Beau, and Caduceus all urged her to consider acting only against those responsible for actions taken against the Dynasty, and not the common people of the Empire. Caleb developed a crush on Jester, which has heavily influenced his goals and view of the world. The party then rescued Jester, Fjord, and Yasha.[73]. "New Homes and Old Friends" (2x111) Frumpkin attacked Ren, clawing him, and Ren ran into his office. "Hell or High Water" (2x136) After resolving the issue, Caleb copied the teleportation circle for the archive into his spellbook. Over the course of the fight, the minotaur-armanite knocked Caleb unconscious, but Caduceus brought him back with Healing Word. When Essek successfully attempted to utilize the crystal from the Rejuvenation Chamber to get a long rest for the party, Caleb assisted him. These abilities disappeared with the eyes after Lucien's final defeat. He would then escort his parents to Tal'Dorei with enough gems to start a life there, and in about twenty years he would join them. Later that evening, Caleb cast the Tower and gave Essek a tour, leading him up to the ninth floor. Caleb suggested continuing to facilitate the peace negotiations and then afterwards, surgically removing the problem after the fact, saying he wanted the murderers removed from power in his country because he was tired of children being thrown on the pyre. Yasha asked, "Do you love her?" Essek asked him to demonstrate his magical prowess, and Caleb cast Cat's Ire. DC In retaliation, he Polymorphed himself into a giant spider. *Tunic not included* Scarf for cosplaying Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. [44] Gradually, however, he began thinking of the Nein as his new family. ", "I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father. [34] Upon Lucien's final defeat, the red eyes vanished, and his body was restored to its pre-Pattern state. Essek then used magic to destroy the damaged cylinder, releasing the diamond-shaped dark purple gem, which he gave to Caleb. As the party entered, Caleb heard the voice of the succubus in his head say, "Light them up, pretty." "Rumble at Rumblecusp" (2x105) [53], Bren attended the Soltryce Academy at 15 (around 817 PD), and stated that for the first time he felt as though he belonged. "Unwanted Reunions" (2x88) The Mighty Nein entered the Happy Fun Ball in search of Yussa. [37] He does not consider himself to be remotely brave.[38]. During the battle, a deep scion managed to dispel Caleb's Vault of Amber, causing all the contents, including the cloven crystal, to spill out onto the deck. [60] Caleb came up with their escape plan, using Frumpkin to bring a piece of wire into their cell which Nott used to pick the lock. She felt he could get revenge, or even redemption, and do good to counteract the bad he'd done in his past. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. He revealed that his second holstered book was a series of letters written to them, and Teleported it into the earth between them. He confronted Lucien about the Nein being held captive, and persuaded him to let Beau and himself read from Lucien's book. "The Neverending Day" (2x125) Fjord insisted again that he did not want to free the leviathan. Veth has a lot of love for Caleb, often checking up on him and looking for ways to make him happy. Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by Minttu Hynninen. [art 27]. Seeing his oldest friend turn on him, and the potential crumbling of the wall of secrecy he had maintained, Caleb vomited in the middle of the floor. Caleb had a happy childhood in the farming community of Blumenthal, and was selected to attend the Soltryce Academy. Beau approached Caleb and apologized for the previous night. [140] Caduceus is also one of the few members of the Mighty Nein that did not mind Caleb's smell, and thought he smelled "fantastic. Caleb asked Beau if she could get him into the Cobalt Soul library in Zadash, and she agreed under the condition he tell her why he was afraid of fire. Caleb asked the shop owner if she had any historical romances. "Family Gathering" (2x71) He also went to the sultress Academy, a school that Fjord, Travis Willinghams character wanted to get into. [36] Caleb's generally dour and isolated manner morphs into an open and jubilant mood upon purchasing new books. "Beneath Bazzoxan" (2x66) [21] Caleb's long coat hides two holstered books (one a spellbook and the other a book of letters to his parents[22]), one on either side. [12][13][14][15][16][17] "In Love and War" (2x57) Caleb gave Essek the vial of distilled dunamis that the party found in the Brenatto Apothecary basement. After Fjord lost his powers by throwing the falchion into the lava of Kravaraad,[133] Caleb stepped forward, gave him his Glove of Blasting, and asked the group for other magic items to help him out. Fjord said he knew that Caleb had done terrible things, but he saw a good man and a good friend, and that the party would look to Caleb for cues on how to deal with the Assembly.[135]. Caleb thought gaining publicity should be discussed amongst the whole group, and he himself wanted to keep a low profile. Fan art of Jester with Caleb, by linzer art. "Reflections" (2x68) Caleb dug a grave with his cat's paw, removed Molly's coat, and wrapped him in his tapestry. Places Also known as Trent Ikithon appeared with Astrid and Eadwulf, and after a battle during which Astrid joined the party in fighting Trent, he was defeated when Beau placed the Collar of Silence around his neck and Astrid activated it. [art 14], "Whispers of War" (2x18) He believed that he was fully responsible despite being magically beguiled and the reassurances of both Nott and Beauregard that he was not to blame; he neither wanted nor accepted their consolations. [art 25]. Fjord told him he was a good friend, and although he had done terrible things, he still saw a good man. Caleb told her he was indeed Bren Aldric Ermendrud. [art 36], At the Diver's Grave, Fjord was curious about the purpose and power of Dashilla's altar, and urged Caleb to explore it. While they eventually separated due to the differences in elven and human aging, they remained close friends for the rest of Calebs life. Caleb reluctantly showed the page he had stolen to Essek, who successfully dispelled it. With coaching from Fjord, Beau hugged him back, equally awkwardly, and asked if they were friends. Pierced through the chest and stomach by Lucien's clawed wings In obvious terror, Caleb told everyone a partial version. Caleb and Nott flew out on a brief reconnaissance mission, but had to return quickly after they were accosted by a Righteous Brand soldier. Lvl 10 While on the Wind of Aeons, the party was introduced to the apparently nervous Lord Desran Thain. Caleb cast another original creation of his for the first time: Widogast's Vault of Amber. After a long chase, Caleb Polymorphed himself into a giant eagle and ferried the party to a perch among the mountains, where they took a much-needed long rest. Leofric Ermendrud (father)Una Ermendrud (mother)Luc Brenatto (godson) Then, using the address given by the letter received by Nott and Jester in response to their letter seeking information about Astrid, Caleb was able to find her home. He used Cat's Ire to keep Fjord from being dragged underground by the adult remorhaz. "Punishment and Politics" (2x87) When revealing what had transpired to the rest of the party, Caleb said that Essek had seemed conflicted, and that perhaps sense could be talked to him. . After defeating the sea fury, Fjord became curious about a magical pedestal in her lair. This book contained letters that he had written to them while traveling with the Mighty Nein. That evening, Caleb told Nott once again that she could talk to him, if she wanted. [165] In "Fond Farewells" (2x141), Caleb destroyed the T-dock chamber in Aeor, removing the possibility of time travel for himself and future adventurers. Fjord used a potion to wake Caleb up, and the party quickly fled from the smoldering house. Profession Caleb and Nott were eventually thrown out, but they managed to escape getting captured by the Crownsguard. Nott gave Caleb a Scroll of Invisibility and shared a bit about her old life with him. (2x36) Fan art of Caleb's Kryn outfit, by Lalou. AdventurerProfessor of Transmutation at the Soltryce Academy Actor "The Gentleman's Path" (2x19) While trekking across Eiselcross, Caleb was distracted by a mysterious necrotic gem lodged in a pillar, and used several high-level spell slots in an unsuccessful attempt to remove it. [115], Fan art of Veth hugging Caleb, by BlackSalander. During their escape, Caleb set the ship and part of the dock on fire. "Manifold Morals" (2x74) "Within the Nest" (2x28) [142][143][144] Their friendship began after the Mighty Nein were assigned to Esseks stewardship, and Essek agreed to tutor a curious Caleb in dunamancy. "Beyond the Eyes of Angels" (2x67) 14 Caleb has cast or is known to have copied the following spells into his spellbook: 17th-level wizards typically only know 5 cantrips. Caleb and Caduceus are friends. She was genuinely mournful for his pain, but with an underlying hardness. The party managed to successfully leave combat with the Tombtakers, although they were still being pursued. Essek seemed to be irritated, but agreed to teleport them again. He was taken to the Vergesson Sanatorium in hopes that he would get better, as he apparently now had. While meeting with the Bright Queen, Caleb requested further training in dunamancy from Essek Thelyss, but the Queen did not trust them enough yet. Cause of death Human Male "I love me some Widogast #criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole #Caleb @CriticalRole" . Jester cast Word of Recall to make their escape, but it failed. Caleb used Programmed Illusion to create a slideshow of all the adventures the Mighty Nein had had together in an attempt to prevent Vokodo's mind altering powers from affecting them. After the battle, Caleb was able to make the Collar of Silence he took from the Magehunter Golem functional with Jester's help. She let them off without penalty. Str 19 {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Liam O'Brien explains that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil before the stream started, but that his alignment changed to True Neutral, Liam O'Brien clarifies that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil both before and after he was "broken" by Trent Ikithon, Liam confirmed Caleb was in a romantic relationship with both Astrid and Eadwulf on, The players leveled up and rolled hit points on a video released 6 May 2021 on YouTube. Caleb "showboated" as he Flew past Essek, prompting the latter to also cast Fly and showboat along with him. Possessing an aptitude for magic, a love of reading, a Photographic Memory and very little regard for personal grooming, Caleb's priorities are to expand his magical abilities and simply survive. 7 level 2 They later collaborated with Caleb and Beau in sharing their story with the Cobalt Soul. Caleb later used Teleportation Circle to take the Nein and the newly-restored Clay family to Uthodurn. [79] During their journey to Darktow, Caleb gave Caduceus the Periapt of Wound Closure that had formerly belonged to Mollymauk Tealeaf, stating that it would do Caduceus much more good than it would himself. After Essek left, the party discussed what to do about him. After the trip to Uthodurn to reforge Dwueth'var, Caleb suggested returning to Rosohna so that he could interrogate the Scourger held in the Dungeon of Penance. Essek agreed to teleport the party to the Lotusden Greenwood, although there was a miscommunication about their precise destination. Type Caleb destroyed the T-Dock, and the two later began a romantic relationship. ", "I'm either a clown or a toad-killer. Caleb, Beau, Molly, and Nott woke up to find that Fjord, Jester, and Yasha had been kidnapped by the Iron Shepherds. Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by heidzdraws. Approximately five years after his escape from the asylum, Nott and Caleb met in a small jail (where he introduced himself to Nott as "Caleb Widogast"), from which they escaped together. She explained that he started lashing out violently at her and others as well, showing him the burn scars on her neck. "Agreements" (2x61) Level They escaped to Tidepeak Tower only to learn Yussa was in an unwakeable trance. [art 39]. Status Yasha and Essek stayed behind with him while the rest of the party descended, and Essek told Caleb that he was concerned about the increasing eye markings on him and Beau. After descending into the ruins of Aeor in pursuit of Lucien and the Tombtakers, Caleb and Beau both received additional red eyes on their bodies. Veth once described Caleb as being like a son to her. Outside of times when he uses Frumpkin to advance his goals, Caleb treats Frumpkin like a domestic cat, frequently showing him physical affection[105] and getting emotional support from him in stressful or sad moments. Ooh, it's quiet. "Maritime Mysteries" (2x103) "A Dangerous Chase" (2x64) Caduceus suggested that Caleb did not want to punish the people who made him, he wanted to make sure that no one else suffered similarly, but Caleb responded, "I don't know, Caduceus.". They remained lifelong friends thereafter. Caleb said that he missed the relationship he and Nott shared before they found her husband. "Causatum" (2x70) 33 (in 835 PD)[4]41 (in "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50)) Jester cast Cure Wounds on Caleb, bringing him back up, but the minotaur's lightning lance put him out for the fourth time in the encounter. Caleb and Yasha are friends. Caleb immediately attempted to attack, but Trent was unfazed. "Lost Treasures" (2x22) Caleb helped keep Caduceus from swimming to Vokodo by using Cat's Ire to drag him back to the rest of the party. Essek Thelyss escorted them there, and Caleb, Jester, and Caduceus entered the heavily guarded cell where the Scourger was chained. Caleb asked if this made them friends, and Yasha said that it did. Should I trust you? Before leaving Trostenwald, Caleb went to a bathhouse with Nott, where he sadly contemplated a burned spellbook he had purchased in town. As Master Dungeon, where will your story ? [art 34]. While in the Blooming Grove, Caleb told Frumpkin he planned to free him if they survived the coming battle, and changed him into a white cat. Caleb claims to not have a favorite color. The Mighty Nein met with Ludinus Da'leth in order to negotiate terms for peace talks with the Dynasty. Then, nott reacts as if she doesn't recognise Caleb once he gets clean. Essek offered to help him do it, but Caleb Disintegrated everything in the room.[100]. [art 40], Fan art of Widogast's Web of Fire, by Linda Lithn. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. She quietly told Caleb that Ludinus Da'leth had asked that they be tracked by the Volstrucker while in Eiselcross and that he knew the Nein were in town and that Vess DeRogna was dead. [39], Caleb is methodical, sometimes to a fault. Jester and Caleb found the Tri-Spire and attempted to enter. Caleb widogast character sheet April 16, 2019 April 16, 2019/ CritRoleStats With apologies to Jeff Goldblum.Media References(0:00:19) Ashley: It's a wild Ashley at the table! The floor contained nine closed doors, and behind the sixth is what was presumably a re-creation of the stone room where the residuum crystals were implanted into Bren, Astrid, and Eadwulf. Caleb told himself it was time for him to go, but sat the rest of his watch, waited for everyone to wake up, and did not tell anyone what he had been thinking.[71]. "Contentious Company" (2x120) She suggested good hygiene as a start. Personality Reference(s) Nott talked to Caleb about her insecurities about her reunion with Yeza, asking if she was a bad person for continuing adventuring and expressing doubt if she wanted to go back to being a housewife. [art 42], Yes, I was trained to be a terrible person. Caleb was enraptured by an Aeorian records room, filled with notes and blank paper, and decided to spend ten minutes casting his Vault of Amber. [28] Caleb smeared mud on his face when Jester demeaned the amount of money his parents made. The party Teleported back to Eiselcross where they reunited with Essek Thelyss, and suggested that they ally with Trent Ikithon for the coming battle against Lucien. She and Astrid Becke were encouraging him to take a full-time professorship at the Academy, but as of the events of "The Mighty Nein Reunited Part 1" (Sx73) (six months post-Campaign), he was "not quite ready for that". Caleb and Veth are best friends[116] and love each other unconditionally, often referring to themselves as part of a family. When the peace talks finally concluded, Beau and Caleb shared a hug in celebration of the end of the war. Caleb saved Fjord's life by Counterspelling the deep scion's attempt to Dimension Door away with Fjord's body. [72] The group decided to set up an ambush for them the next day. Although their relationship had a rocky start, they quickly came to rely on each other and eventually grew very close. [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. [97] During the ensuing battle, Uk'otoa was released, and the party Teleported back to Nicodranas, hired a ship, and sailed into the southern Lucidian Ocean to fight the leviathan himself. Does anyone have a source that shows the character sheets or stats as they would have been way back in the first episode? The dinner was tense, culminating in Trent's revealing that he believed Bren had the potential to replace him as a member of the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb assisted in intimidating Algar into leaving Nicodranas. Later, Caleb discovered the partially-burned journal of Siff Duthar. # TRAVIS I do, I have the mariner's breastplate. "Midnight Espionage" (2x12) During the fight with Obann the Punished, Caleb used Polymorph to transform into a giant ape. [103], After helping Beauregard expose the corruption of the Cerberus Assembly, Caleb visited his parent's gravesite and took out the second book from his coat. You're so little. ", Fan art of Caleb welcoming the party to his Tower, by Cha Cha Rae. Caleb's intelligence is one of the highest for any player character, tied with Percy, Lyra and Lillith. He then asked to interview the captured Scourger, to which she agreed. Yasha then gave him a big hug. The name Bren Aldric Ermendrud has a few different roots in German. [134], On the ship sailing to the peace negotiations, Fjord apologized to Caleb for holding the sword to his throat during the heist in the High-Richter's home in Zadash, admitting that it came out of his desire to control the situation. During the battle with Dashilla, Caleb was immediately knocked unconscious by her Death Glare. The Nein met with Essek, who told them that the thief who stole the beacons was Adeen Tasithar. Even if his goal isn't healthy, the path there, right now, is. Before Traveler Con, Caleb had a conversation with Veth, Yasha, and Beauregard about what their next move was. "Between a Ball and a Hot Place" (2x129) "Wood and Steel" (2x58) Stockholm U Bahn Plan Pdf, Jura Praktikum Bayern, Moxie What Was Lucy In The List, , Fakulteti I Inxhinierise Elektrike, , Jura Praktikum Bayern, Moxie What Was Lucy In The List, , Fakulteti I Inxhinierise [117] Later, she said she had been attracted to him when they first met, but no longer feels that way about him.