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The Canary Islands will be the first port of the service. At the close of the Franco-Prussian war, French chauvinists had insulted German emigrants in Havre and permanently diverted to Hamburg and Bremen the stream that had flowed to the French port. SS Knig Wilhelm 5 September Copernicus 18 December Washington 26 October Sju Brder 22 November Paoli 9 August In 1895 the German emigration dropped to 82,000 and has never since reached 50,000. This second rate-war gave the Hapag its present brilliant manager, Albert Ballin, who was taken over from the Carr line; and it taught the company the raine of timely compromise in ocean warfare. The following articles will help you research your family in Germany. Bremen 9 August Margaretha 1 September Bremen 12 August Tap or click on a vessel to view images. By 1914, more than one million Eastern European Jews had emigrated to the United States through the port of Hamburg. Sju Brder 22 November Arab 8 September 1834 Bodo Heyne: Passengers of the FERDINAND and the WALLACE. Meta 4 January But, as we have seen, the North Atlantic trade was preeminently a passenger trade. Bark Leocadia 23 May anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Ernst and Gustav 30 June Louisa 23 May Brig Herschel 21 May, 1854 Bashan 3 November In the early days of the Hapag there was little return freight to America to exchange for the bulk products we sent Germany. Telumah 12 November Republic 13 June Herschel 15 August Post 23 June General Washington 24 November, 1845 Charlotte 30 June With the exception of 2,953 passenger lists for the year 1920-1939 all other lists were lost in World War II. Isobella 27 April Favorite 12 November Antilope 13 August Westphalia 17 February F H Adami 25 October SS Lahn 22 December. Bark Mississippi 10 June Rajah 28 October General Washington 24 November, 1844 Mary Phillips 9 September Ship Helene 21 August Louise 21 May Knickerbocker 9 September Sarah Ann 6 October Louise 24 October The Kosmos also has a line from Genoa to West America and in the course of its career has bought up the rival Hamburg Pacific Steamship Company. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means United States 12 November Elise 17 March Bremen had had a packet sailing line to New York since 1826. Marianne 20 July Albert 19 August Edward 24 July Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. F H Adami 25 October Leontine 28 June In the year ending December 31, 1910, there were landed in New York, by the three leading companies in the passenger and emigrant business, the following number of persons: Cabin and Steerage Pastengert Landed in New York, 1910. Caspar 29 June Favorite 12 November Constitution 7 April Most emigrants left Germany during the following periods: The earliest German emigrants went down the Rhine River and left Europe from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Republic 13 June What motive may influence the Hapag in a move of this sort is indicated by the rise and fall of the line from New York to the Levant (through to Constantinople and Odessa), maintained by the Hapag and the German Levant Line in common, 1901-04. Isabella 28 August Church Records (Annotations). Philadelphia 22 August Agnes 29 December SS Main 8 March Ship Uhland 16 June Bark Eduard 13 August Clarissa Perkins 11 July SS Ohio 29 December, 1874 Paoli 9 August Washington 29 September Condor 9 August Bark Eduard 22 October Luise 22 May Favorite 18 June Pauline 7 October Josephine 8 November Gustav 23 October Louise 17 May Martha 1 September Latrobe 2 August Bark Geestemunde 9 June Olbers 12 December Cordova 24 November Post 23 June Citing Deutscher Ausland-Institut. SS Deutschland 14 March Paoli 20 December Henry 15 October If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to link to your email address or home page, please submit a short paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc., with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to the . Friedrich Jacob 16 June In the ports controlled by the Hanse city of Bremen, ship . The American merchant marine had been destroyed and foreign carriers came into its heritage. Friederich Jacob 9 December Ship Rebecca 4 November 121-24. In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Stephanie 26 July Clementine 11 February Ship Pharsalia 11 November, 1849 N W Stevens 23 October Galliot Themis 24 July Lists of emigrants are often published. Pioneer 21 September The fact that emigrants can be counted on as return freight has had a great influence on the inducements that the German companies could offer in freight rates from the United States to the continent. Isabella 28 August Ajax 11 September Constitution 7 April Louise 9 September Edwina 30 June Diana 21 November After a years fighting, the German East African Line, which had suffered heavily during the year, entered the community. Thus all German lines to Africa are united. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Johannes 7 November See the list of sources at the bottom of the page. Bark Gutenberg 16 May Book: New World Immigrants a Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists and Associated Data from Periodical Literature by Michael Tepper (Editor); GPC 1988. Pauline 9 October 1845 Inez 2 December Washington 26 October Sophie 19 August Arab 8 September Bashan 3 November A P Sharp 12 November History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. This page has been viewed 37,687 times (3,809 via redirect). Brig Ulysses 19 September Article by John Movius with David Dreyer. to retrieve any portion of the site. Cordova 24 November Ellen Brooks 28 October Brig Neptune 14 October Ship Adolphine 13 January Garonne 21 August Mauran 11 November After ten years of service, she had almost 190 transatlantic voyages completed. These sources may be passenger lists, permissions to emigrate, or records of passports issued. Bremen 14 September Emma 7 October Louisa 23 May One of the great losses in genealogical history is the nearly complete destruction of the Bremen passenger records. Eliza Thornton 30 October Passports became important in Germany during the 19th century as a control measure. Howard 6 September Maria Francisca 10 December Stephani 14 October Diana 24 November [5] 1907 Report of the United States Commissioner of Navigation, pages 146-7. Bark Creole 30 September Stephani 12 July Sir Isaac Newton 19 June Bremen 4 December Charlotte 1 June Sophie 19 August Steamer Ohio 31 July Louise 10 October The Hapag was founded in 1847 to prevent a further concentration in Bremen of the American mail service, as well as imports from America of cotton and tobacco and exports thither of German emigrants. N W Stevens 23 October In the early 1830s, Bremen was doing well in its trade with America, while Hamburg trade was mostly with the West Indies and Latin America. This article describes a collection of records at An agreement of July 1999 between the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Society for Genealogical Investigation, DIE MAUS ("The Mouse"), provides the basis for digitizing the passenger lists by members of DIE MAUS (i.e. Philadelphia 21 September Before that a passport was a form of recommendation. Sources are passenger lists. Westphalia 31 December SS Leipzig 24 February Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Isabella 28 August The ship logo, which is still used in part, was . Timoleon 22 November Online searchable database of passenger lists. SS Nurnberg 12 March Bark Inca 12 August The Hapag instituted a service to the West Indies; in the same year the Hamburg South American Steamship Company was founded to ply between Hamburg, Brazil and the la Plata. Louise 21 May To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. Vesper 17 September Marianne 20 September Alfred 30 October Knickerbocker 9 September Alfred 30 October Bremen, along with Hamburg and Luebeck, was of of the three major trans-shipping centers from northern Germany. Diamant 17 October AlexanderFebruary ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Friedrich Leo 2 August Sju Brder 22 November Diana 11 November All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means F H Adami 25 October [1] It is a convenient abbreviation to employ, just as the Lloyd is a convenient abbreviation for the great Bremen company, the North German Lloyd. Stephani 30 December Louise 13 October : 18 July 2022. Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). Ship Johannes 3 November Heretofore all trade between the United States and the west coast has been carried by way of Hamburg and Liverpool. Pilot 6 July 1845 Copernicus 4 August Josephine 8 November The information is reliable; however, as this index has been derived from the actual passenger lists, errors may have occurred during the indexing process. Now it circumnavigates Africa, alternating between the east and the west circuit, and has a branch across from the east coast to Bombay. Rajah 28 October SS Baltimore 10 October Bark E. Beaulien 6 January Charlemagne 15 July Friedrich Jacob 14 June Luise 3 June SS Ohio 4 March Semiramis 18 August Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Louise 17 May Isabella 28 August 1907/1908 and 1913/1914. Stephani 3 June For further information see German Ports: Gateway to America by Raymond Wright III. FamilySearch Wiki - Germany Emigration and Immigration, German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1847-1854, German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1855-1862, With Places of Origin, German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1863-1867, German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1863-1867, With Places of Origin, German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1868-1871, Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Bremen, Germany. How wise this reservation was, is apparent when we observe what trend emigration to America had already taken in 1900 and to what enormous proportions emigration from East Europe had grown in the banner year 1906-07. Isabella 28 August Antilope 13 August Sometimes they also show family groups. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. Freight could not be profitably transported by steamers until the introduction of the compound engine, which greatly reduced the quantity of fuel to be carried; before this time so much of the carrying capacity of the ship had to be devoted to coal-bunkers that freight had to pay rates which could not compare with those offered by the sailing vessels.[6]. Camera 13 December Friedrich Leo 2 August These records are written in German. North 14 September This website requires a paid subscription for full access. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Sophie 16 June N W Stevens 23 October Showing 1 to 8 of 320 records Clear All Filters Vessel Year built Line Builder & location Luntine 23 June Steamer Washington 4 June Repeat this process for each new generation you identify. Herschel 15 August Louise 12 October From now on the Hapag had a clear field. Virginia 26 June Luise 3 January Ship Hermine 17 January Rainbow 26 August A P Sharp 12 November Gustav 23 October In the case of emigrants to the U.S., that next best source is the U.S. Customs Passenger Lists. Try variations of your ancestors name while searching the index or browsing through images. People had to swear alliegiance, pay a yearly fee, and report all suspicious actvities. Elise 8 September This page has been viewed 197,393 times (0 via redirect). Johannes 18 July Diana 3 June Eliza Thornton 30 October Louise 13 October For more details, see several Wikipedia articles: Records that document emigration from Germany include passenger lists, passports, permissions to emigrate, German and French emigration indexes, published emigration lists, police registration records, and other departure documents, as well as sources in the emigrant's new countries. Between 1830 and 1914, more than four million people left Europe via Hamburg. There are approximately 125,000 names in all four volumes combined. Philadelphia 4 January Johannes 7 June In order to do this, the companys capital was increased from sixteen and one half to twenty-two and one half million marks; it had to be scaled down to fifteen million in 1877. Semiramis 18 August Elise 19 July In I854 the German emigration by way of Havre exceeded that from Bremen by twenty thousand; while Bremen was ahead of Hamburg by twenty-five thousand, and Hamburg in turn led Antwerp by a like number.6 The com- She was capable of carrying 1,240 passengers: 150 in first class, 90 in second class, and up to a thousand in . Wills or testaments of relatives who stayed in Germany occasionally mention their relatives in foreign lands. After docking in New York on August 28, 1939, only four days before the outbreak of World War II, Captain Adolf Ahrens of Germany's North German Lloyd shipping line was faced with a decision. Updates: 13 Janl 2021: Added 287,140 relative contact names. Telumah 12 November Bark Inca 26 December Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. Hualco 21 August Charlotte 20 September In the 19th century emigration to the United States began. Louise 13 October Leo 31 August 1945 - records of 1907-1945 destroyed in bombing raid, Between 1875 to 1908, the staff of the "Nachweisungsbureau", who lacked office space, decided to destroy all passenger lists older than 3 years. Luntine 23 June Leontine 28 June 1833 Hardly had the Hapag recovered from its first rate-war when, m 188$, a second broke out. Paoli 20 December Elise 19 July Astracan 23 December Friedrich Jacob 16 June SS Ohio 26 July When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. FamilySearch. Jaroschewski, Tuila. In the following year, the Hapag made the Kosmos Line let the Hapag share its extremely profitable service to West America under an agreement whereby either company supplies a certain proportion of the total number of steamers dispatched per year. They can list the emigrant's birthplace, residence, assets, and indebtedness. History. The information in these records may include the emigrants' names, ages, occupations, destinations, and places of origin or birth places. For some countries, such as Austria, the arrangement is chronological by departure date, with names grouped alphabetically by ship name for that date. Ship Adler 25 June Such documents were restricted to time and space. Barque Eberhard 8 November Ship Isabella 4 October, 1838 Louise Friedericke27 January Phoenix 10 September Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Emigrants could have remained in Hamburg for a while. Many cards are not in sequence. are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. Ship Phoenix 19 May Ship Elise 19 May SS Bremen 25 June Often the local pastor or priest noted peoples' departures in the parish registers next to birth or marriage entries. Ship Johanne Wilhelmine 5 November Diana 3 June Goethe 7 July Edward 24 July Hunter in New York 1710-1714, Emigrants from West-German Fuerstenberg Territories (Baden and the Palatinate) to America and Central Europe, List of Pfalz Immigrants to America, 1724-1749, Ships carrying Palatines from Germany to Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists, Palatine German Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1808, The Book of Names, Especially Relating to The Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley, Coleo da Sociedade Histo-lgica Cruzeiro do Sul, Auswanderung nach Brasilien und Venezuela, 1890-1901, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Argentinien, 1870-1945, From the steppes to the prairies: the story of the Germans settling in Russia on the Volga and Ukraine, also the Germans settling in the Banat, and the Bohemians in Crimea: their resettlement in the Americas, North and South America and in Canada, Namenskartei von Siedlern in Russland und Rcksiedler nach Deutschland, 1750-1943, Bestandskartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1750-1943, Kartei der Auswanderer aus Elsa und Baden nach Ruland, 1807-1810, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen nach Brasilien, 1870-1940, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Kanada, 1870-1940, United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012, Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration. Mercur 24 August SS Berlin 10 February Bremen, Germany. Rebecca 2 January Constitution 23 June Antilope 13 August Paoli 9 August The part the German lines play in the transportation of these hordes is exceptionally large. Westphalia 17 February [6] In 1866 Adolph Wagner wrote an article on Ocean Transportation in Rentschs Handwrterbuch der Volkswirtschaftslehre. In 1935, Bremen became a regular city at the de facto abolition of statehood of all component German states within the Third Reich. Moreover, Hamburg was learning from Bremen how to and attract emigrants. [1] In view of the luxury that prevails on the companys New York boats and the prices which passengers must pay for it, it is suggested that the initial letters mean, Haben alle Passagiere auch Geld? (Are all passengers well supplied with money?). Because of this there may be limitations on where and how images and indexes are available or who can see them. SS Baltimore 20 March Intelligenz Blatt #8, pp. Henry 15 October Probate Records of Relatives Who Stayed. Hamburg clippers like the Donau have made the trip from New York to Cuxhaven in 18 days, while good steamers do not get under 13 1/2 to 14 days and ordinary sailing vessels take 5 or 6 weeks. Wagner thought that the steamers would eventually have the transportation of persons and package freight, while the sailing vessels retained bulk freight. Clarissa Perkins 11 July The Galveston-Bremen Project Neptune 14 July When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank / German Emigrants Database. 1842 Caspar 22 September If you are using emigration/immigration records to find the name of your ancestors' town in Germany, see Germany Finding Town of Origin for additional research strategies. Washington 26 October Constitution 7 April Bark Edward 5 September Condor 9 August General Washington 24 November. Bark Neptune 15 December, 1849 SS Strassburg 5 October. Goethe 25 July Ship Johannes 3 November Constitution 23 June Barque Diana 12 June, 1862 Diana 21 November Bark Meridian 16 September SS Donau 8 January Stephani 30 December The index was created to facilitate access to the information in the Bremen passenger lists. Brig Constitution 19 October Vesper 13 September Caspar 22 September Edwina 30 June Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany Ports of departure include: Altona, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Geestemunde, Hamburg, Stettin, Swinemunde (currently Swinoujscie, Poland), German Unspecified Ports Search by Year of Departure [1700s] [1800s] [1810s] [1820s] [1830s] [1840s] [1850s] [1860s] [1870s] [1880s] [1890s] [1900 - 1950s] Charlotte 1 June Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used. Elise 8 September Marianne 16 October The year 1871, when the Empire was formed, saw the Hamburg lines multiply. These records, created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, were subsequently transferred to the Bundesarchiv. Emma 7 October Hamburg became a port of emigration because of its competition with Bremen as a seaport for trade. Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "Deutschland, Bremen, Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten 1904-1914." Database. GGA Image ID # 1413ad196f, German emigration to the United States, in those years since 1870 when it exceeded 100,000, was as follows:[3], German Emigration to the United States, 1870-1892. These records are discussed further in Germany Population Records. Trenton 16 December SS General Werder 1 April Bremen 9 August Barque Pioneer 21 September, 1845 Isabella 28 August This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. SS Oder 30 September Knickerbocker 9 September Alexander 25 July Sju Brder 22 November Bark Neptune 6 November Louise 17 June Washington 25 February Bark Coriolan 30 August Philadelphia 10 October Charlemagne 15 July Amelia 4 August On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see . Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany 395 . Olbers 12 December Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and used as a supply ship during the German invasion of Norway. Study how to use this resource by clicking here: Hamburg Passenger Lists. Diana 3 June In 1907 they landed in New York from their German and Italian services the following number of emigrants: Emigrants Landed in New York by the German Steamship Companies. Save a copy of the image or transcribe the information. Louise 13 October Margaretha 1 September In Germany, Bremen had a good reputation as a port of departure because its laws forced shipowners to provide a basic minimum of space and food. Eliza Thornton 30 October In the meantime other lines had not been idle. Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Isabella 28 August Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten (Bremen Ship Passengers 1904-1914) Article by John Movius with David Dreyer. SS Braunschweig 17 November Sophie 19 August Semiramis 18 August Minerva 18 September Stern 9 July Olbers 13 June Bashan 3 November Paoli 20 December SS Neckar 21 January Isabella 5 July Mary Phillips 9 September Humphrey 25 July Philadelphia 22 August In the mid-1800s, most British immigrants to the United States departed from Liverpool, England. Luntine 23 June Constitution 23 June Philadelphia 4 January Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. Howard 6 September Alwina 11 January Herschel 15 August A P Sharp 12 November These usually focus on the emigrants from one town, principality, or state. Bark Clara 17 May Bremen became part of the North German Confederation in 1867 and became an autonomous component state of the new-founded German Empire in 1871. Clementine 11 February Devonshire 18 November Post 23 June This page has been viewed 44,539 times (3,302 via redirect). You should also look for leads to other records about your ancestors, Switch to a different record collection. Telumah 12 November Reform 4 September Ship Elise 8 September Very little money will be used. A project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv. Immigration records, also known as "passenger arrival records," can provide genealogical information including: a person's nationality, place of birth ship name and date of entry to the United States age, height, eye and hair color profession place of last residence name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. Elise 17 March Brig Bremen 18 July In 1851 the Bremen Chamber of Commerce established the "Nachweisungsbureau fr Auswanderer" (Information Office for Emigrants), to which the ship captains had to deliver their lists. Humphrey 10 July The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Luise 3 January Whenever possible FamilySearch makes images and indexes available for all users. General Veazie 5 November Ship O. Thijen 8 November, 1856 Devonshire 18 November Except for the discovery of transcripts of Bremen lists for the years 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 at the German State Archives in Koblentz, no copies of the Bremen passenger lists have ever come to light. Ship Mississippi 16 July SS Berlin 5 December, 1872 Henry 15 October Bark Theodor Korner 9 June Deutschland, Bremen, Namenskartei aus den Bremen Schiffslisten, Use the age to find an approximate birth year to begin your search in church or civil records, Continue to search the records to identify children, siblings, parents, and other relatives who may have moved, been recruited or lived nearby. Records of German Emigrants in Their Destination Nations, One option is to look for records about the ancestor in the, Online German Emigration Records, Lists and Indexes, Emigrants to and from Germany from the 18th to the 20th century, Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank (German Emigrants Database), Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany, Register of German military men who remained in Canada after the American Revolution, Le Havre - some passengers found in the crew lists 1750-1775, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924, Bremen, Germany, Passenger Lists Index, 1907-1939, United States Immigration Online Genealogy Records, UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport (USHMM), Palestine, Illegal Immigration from German-Occupied Europe, 1938-1945 (USHMM), Index of Jewish Displaced Person and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959, Free Access: Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971, Auswandererkartei mit Familienangehrigen, 1750-1943, Auswandererkartei der Deutschen nach Ungarn und Ruland, 1750-1805 (Emigration index of Germans in, Kartei der Auswanderer nach Ungarn, 1750-1945 (Index of emigrants to, Auswanderungsakten, 1806-1920, Stuttgart (Wrttemberg), Registres des migrs, 1817-1866, (Alsace emigration index), Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach China und Nordamerika: 1870-1945, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1929-1930, Kartei von Deutschen Experten im Ausland, 1935-1945, Auswanderung aus Sdwestdeutschland, (Emigrants of, Ancestor Search, Palatine German Ship Passenger Lists to PA, Swiss and German Mennonite immigrants from the Palatinate, 1704-1717, Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov.