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The greatest experiences of my life have been the times when God moved in power, and make himself none to me through his word and by his Spirit; making Jesus real to my heart! I do not capitalize the name satan in my writing. That could prove dangerous and manipulative. Jesus asked his disciples, who do you say that I am? Moses and Elijah had disappeared, the voice of the Father was silent, and the three disciples saw only Jesus! Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church625 Montgomery AvenueBryn Mawr, PA 19010(610) 525-2821. Copyright 2023 Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. Consider how Peter engages this question in 2 Peter 1:16-21. BRICKS IN THE VALLEY Text: Matthew 17:1 - 9 We all know from the laws of gravity that what goes up must also come down. Scripture gives us stories of literal mountain top experiences that color our expectations for what it means to encounter the divine - Abraham and Isaac climbing together in an act of extreme devotion to God and experiencing the mercy of God at its apex. To get on higher ground, to climb above the mundane, and get in the place where the glory of God can touch our lives, and we can see JESUS as He is in glory and power, and hear God speak to our hearts. Question Origin of mountaintop First recorded in 1585-95; mountain + top 1 Words nearby mountaintop Did you notice that Joani is in a waiting period after her time on the mountain? The voice of the father, encouraged Jesus in his preparation for the cross. while Peter is still talking; God interrupts Peters speech. Peter was hoping Jesus would settle in on the summit. It had been six hundred years since anyone in Israel had seen the Shekinah glory cloud. Jesus does not fall to temptation but whips the Devil soundly on the mountain, and the Evil One slinks away, biding his time until he can harass Jesus again. On the Mountain of Transfiguration it looks like things happen in a hurry. It was a Mountain top experience, as heaven came down on that mountain. One of the principles of listening to God speak through scripture is that you should notice what causes you to resist as well as resonate. Sinai with Joshua and Owen during our last days in Egypt, watching the sun rise over the vast chains of mountains in the desert there, and experience a diverse and international group of pilgrims praying their unique prayers at the top. The person and name of Jesus is a name that is above every name! -They spoke about his decrease, which he would accomplish at Jerusalem, There on that high mountain with the representatives of the O.T. was the founder of Israels worship of God. But the valley experience is just as important to our Christian walk. It was a great privilege to see Moses and Elijah, but Jesus was the son of God! Sinai. I call them mountain-top experiences! David Benner says, Our challenge is to unmask the divine in the natural and name the presence of God in our lives. The second part of Listen to Your Life is just as important and that is developing the gift of listening to each others stories. The people live in the valleys. You come down from the mountaintop ready for a changed life. Jesus skin and clothing no longer glowed. Now this isnt to say drop everything you are doing in life because it doesnt matter. Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. But God also spoke, it was Gods voice. But sitting each day in the shadow of the mountains made me wonder how we can find better ways to continue to connect with and draw inspiration from those brief moments when we have been on the mountain - meditating on the scripture or hymns that remind us of our mountain top experiences, bringing images back with us from our spiritual mountain tops and keeping them in places that call to mind our moments on the mountain. for who he really is, in all of his love, grace and glory, it is a mountain-top experience! and try to imagine what it was like went Jesus showed them His glory up on that mountain. The Mountaintop Experience. It also known valleys are quiet places of rest and peace. - the law and the, Prophets; the son of God and the three great apostles of the church they are talking about the Cross! Just as Christ shone before the disciples in radiant majesty (2 Pet. Since the first reported successful climb of that 29,000-foot peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, more than four thousand different individuals have experienced the thrill. With this idea, though, one final observation must be made. for a mountain-top experiences is that you will: Jesus was not alone on the mountain, two famous men from the Old Testament show up. Ironically, the three disciples misunderstood nearly everything about that experience as it was occurring. Theyre moments when we experience God in an intense, intimate way. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'mountaintop.' The glory cloud was the sign of Gods approval on the work that Jesus Christ had come to do; to die on the cross as a sacrifice for mans sin, and be raised from the dead the third day. Peter a man who always had something to say when nothing should be said; said: V:33-Jesus, master, it is good for us to be here. Peter immediately recommended the building of three shelters, presumably so that all six people could stay together on the mountain indefinitely. , when Moses met with God on Mount Sinai he came down with the glory of God radiating off his face. The words of Psalm 121 came to my mind each afternoon gazing upon the mountains, and they are what I expect will be transporting me back there over the next several months. God knows how our brains work and how our individual personalities respond. To hear the voice of God is to be led to the mountaintop. Life is a continually ascending and descending in our religious experiences. Valleys contain lakes and streams and are where rich grasses and varied types of trees grow.Therefore, ranchers take their cattle and sheep to the valley for the rich food. Lead me to those where the harvest is ready, for I am Your willing laborer.In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Mountaintop. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mountaintop. And Im guessing wed have a mountaintop experience at church if we took the time to listen to each other describe our mountaintop experiences. All Rights Reserved. Heaven will not be a place of strangers. Moses is a prime example of this. The Father speaks from the cloud (Matt. The Cross was a great accomplishment; not an accident, tragedy, disaster! I love to see families encouraging and helping one another. Everything is tiny and nothing seems to matter when you are that far away from people. Those moments at a worship concert or at the end of a sermon when the person holding the microphone makes a powerful speech with emotional music playing in the background. Mountains typically have steep slopes and are understood to be. Psalm 90:2; Exodus 19:17-20; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; Isaiah 52:7; Psalm 121:1-2; Isaiah 54:10. But God never intended for us to live there. 1:18), so the believer does well to pay attention to the Words of the prophets (2 Pet. However, the truth of the matter is simply this: the mountain really is made out of a lot of stuff (both good and bad). We will recognize our loved ones and others in heaven. as he tells you to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow him. Maybe your mountain top experience was giving your life to Christ for the first time at that altar call. 2. to what Jesus says in his word. Jesus is dazzling glory is talking to Moses who had been dead over fourteen hundred years and to Elijah who had been gone about nine hundred. I have separated the list into Free Resources, Basic Resources, and Advanced Resources. The heap on which he stood consisted of all the experiences and obstacles that he had faced on his journey through life. This mountaintop experience takes place during a time of prayer! Confront the Danger. The voice of God clearly identified Jesus as his only son, his beloved son, unique one-of-a-kind son. Gorgeous mountain views off the deck 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Have you ever witnessed an altar call? What matters most is that you end up standing on top of it all rather than being consumed by it! Dan Allender has written, God has crafted our character and gives us a role that will reveal something about Him that no-one elses story can reveal in quite the same way. I am excited to see How God can lead us to discover our unique stories and then become Holy Listeners for each other. This is where audiobooks are helpful. Dedication to the Lord still brings special blessings into our lives! Built a tabernacle of PRAISE for Jesus alone in your heart! Apart from Jesus they fail miserably in dealing with the demon. goats), the guys get to the true subject at hand. Since the first reported successful climb of that 29,000-foot peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, more than four thousand different individuals have experienced the thrill. Prophecy is not about a happening, an event, is about a person. The Word communicated the fullness of the glory of God manifested to them. Peter, James, and John climb up this high mountain with Jesus; probably Mount. In later reflection, Peter described what he heard as the Majestic Glory (2 Pet. He will not let your foot be moved;he who keeps you will not slumber. Delivered to your inbox! Get our latest tips and leader helps with our free monthly e-newsletter. But never forget that it is a rhythmic, ordinary encounter with the Majestic Voice of God speaking in His Word. To grow and restore the family of Christ on the foundation of His Word and His promises. They witnessed Jesus transfigurationa majestic visualization of the Lords divine nature as well as His approaching death and resurrection. One moose, two moose. Yet, it seems that Peter actually does the opposite. Time to forget about any work you have to do, and treat the weekend as a weekend. But then, everything about Peters mountaintop experience changes. Baptism is NOT something we do. Jesus was God incognito, dressed in human flesh. There are several reasons. But then Jesus touched them and told them to get up and not be afraid. It could have been graduating from college and then stepping into a dream job. Define mountaintop. My time in Dallas was informative and meaningful and challenging, but I would not say it was a mountaintop experience. A bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud. Telling the stories from our mountain tops with others, sharing the insights we have learned and intentionally seeking out stories from others about their time on the mountain. He and his disciples went up this mountain to pray. In that silence, as I sat on the mountaintop looking at the miles and miles of land stretching out before me, I had what some might call a mountaintop experience.. Moses and Elijah were still alive and conscience though they had left the earth hundreds of years before this. This is the walk Jesus makes of his life. But seriously Im glad to have an excuse for Joani to describe the stirrings of the Holy Spirit in her life. Amen. Don't start to rationalize it, no matter how unbelievable it may sound to some. the law and the prophets. In the last days the mountain of the Lords house will be established at the top of the mountains and will be raised above the hills. Copyright www.personality-insights.com. Moses finally made it to the promise land! The speaker concludes talking with an invitation to come to the altar and lay your burdens down at the feet of Jesus. Would you pray and ask God to give you a mountaintop experience; when he does you will see his glory and worship him, understand his work and trust him, hear his word and obey him. Moses had asked to see Gods glory, and only got to see the backside of God as he passed by. When the Word is preached, the power and majesty of God are communicated to His people. It was simply a huge heap of stuff (both good and bad) that he had climbed up in order to get to where he was. Running Together: Evening Worship at 5:00. As we walked onto a short trail through the snow and frozen ground, Owen remarked that it must be a strange job to drive to the top of a mountain and talk with thousands of visitors who pass through the center every day - like an environmental guru waiting at the peak for travelers to come seeking knowledge and insight. The only way to properly do this is to be comfortable, because why relax when you could relax? For six days Moses lingered in the cloud of God at the top of the mountain. Through His Word, Jesus presents grace to frightened disciples on the mountain. Ironically, remaining on the summit for more than just a few minutes can be dangerous for climberseven life-threatening. These days weve been talking about the sacred rhythms of spiritual formation. God met me in Atlanta and it seemed to me that He was saying, Lets do this together.. After hearing those commandments, Moses came back down the mountain and reported to the Israelites all that God had said to him. And then there was Jesus. However, there will be times of hard work, traffic jams, taxes, wasted time, frustrating situations, wrecked dreams, lost money, broken relationships and the list of challenges that we face at some point in our lifetime could go on and on. A glorious, spiritual experience where you were alone with Jesus and your soul was lifted above this old world, and you got a taste of heaven. The word, . The glory of God shines the brightest with the topic of conversation is the redemptive work of Jesus Christ! They were catching a glimpse of the glory that God would reveal in Jesus Christ in the future. We, of course, visited the ranger station and gift shop at the top, and chatted with one of the rangers about what short hikes we could do while we were at the top and about the recent snowstorm that made the road impassible.