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I then took a step back and thought, dissected the business model for my own benefit and thought what I would have to do to be successful at it (I over analyze everything from both sides). Continue reading 9 people found this review helpful Helpful Share 5.0 I was livid but had to go along so as to get out of there. Pyramid schemes are illegal businesses. All of this is broken into ordinary conversation somehow. Take this down before i file a complaint. Like many before me, I too received a call by a young woman, Jasmine, stating that my number was forwarded as someone ambitious and hard working, seeking employment. Their higher up had done that for them. I was told that there are many positions to be filled and I am qualified for a top one. You can get a reasonable life insurance plan as a AAA member and should deal with a real bank or well known investment firm with your money, people! I asked who the person was that referred me and the lady laughed and then said a name, and i did know someone named that but i hadnt talked to him in a year. Pre-Paid Legal/ LegalShield is a company that offers basic level legal services as a monthly subscription and a discount for attorney's inside their network. Thats exactly the tactic used by islamic groupds Aiming on young and vulnirable ! Mary wants to extend the visit. Something about honesty. She was pleasant and I was willing to pay the $99 up front and take the life insurance exam. She stated that it would be for the Fort Lauderdale office but that more locations would be opening. I eventually gave in and asked for her business card, she told me she had left it in her office. Thank you to all for your comments! But Ive been coming up with excuses why i cant meet back up with him because things just didnt seem right after i left that 1st meeting. Kool-aid anyone? The meeting was for today, in fact. this woman I met about two years ago at my job . I must be remembering wrong I tuned back in just in time to hear him say, well, have you ever heard of Citi? then pause. Went for an interview/discussion today. Hello Tracey, It would be too painful to add up all the hours, dollars, and gas I had so far invested into this business. Jorge Exactly what is false and untrue in this article? And you say Im too lazy to work for myself? Thats the nature of working in several industries overseen by a regulatory body. MLM is not a job. He asked me to go for a job interview somewhere in a Manhattan building. Trust me, there are plenty of people who dont mind asking friends and family to buy something their selling. I felt anxiety throughout this whole calling session. I can promise you that he wakes up every morning wishing that he could go to work like normal people and not have to deliver that line of BS at the PFS opportunity meeting tonight. A page comes up that seems to refer to that but it quickly goes away and the main Primerica website comes up. You get paid if you sell, and thats all they care about. She gave me her name and phone number, but it wasnt after she left that I realised she never said what kind of business at all. Will do anything to hire people. I understand everyone needs to make a buck. If you really want to sell financial products, youre much better off doing so through a company that is not an MLM. Surely it wouldnt matter in the end, as long as we get the recruit right? When he called me I was busy and asked him if i could call him later. Im so stressed out now because I couldnt come up with a lie to excuse me from that call. Legitimate companies give you details and job descriptions. Just had an interview todayit stated just as everyone elses with a phone call from a lady stating someone gave me your name and advised me you were looking for work and you have a background in administrative work and customer service she said she wanted me for an office manager position. But I again dismissed the thought, feeling a bit guilty for doubting John. Mike No matter what they tell you, MLM is not a business. They all were wearing suits and carrying black portfolios. I wen to to their office and was asked to fill out an application form. Im not looking for part time work. Jeb- If you read most of these comments then you should already know that half of them was approached at their job like myself. Ask God. I am really glad I did my home work on this company and thank you to every one for the honest postings I will not be wasting my time with scams. He then asked if I, personally, was keeping my career options open and I said yes. ALL THEY WANT IS YOUR MONEY . Remember that Primerica reps have something to gain with whatever they tell you. He texted me the address (unprofessional) and me, being naive agreed. He collects his clients resumes and he did it in front of me. Never realized Primerica was an MLM until reading what Tracy has posted. I do not have time to deal with a scam. I asked what does this have anything to do with life insurance, or a job? I was approached by a lady who came shopping in the store I work @ now. She didnt mention the name of the business at all, and her explanation of what they were doing as others above have noted was rather vague but revolved around financial planning. I am so ashame to be same species as John adison and glen williams . Hey Alex, this isnt the first time and wont be the last time a crooked company has rung the NYSE closing bell. not entrepreneurial Expectations low (as I am VERY cautious) I agreed to meet with him. I was an Amway distributer years ago. I entered the room the woman on the phone had told me to go, there were about 20 other people in there with a presenter holding an iPad on his hand. They prey on our natural vulnerabilitis and at anytime any of us can find ourselves being lured in. Then why, pray tell, have I owned Sequence Inc. Forensic Accounting for 16 years? Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. By the way, based on those 2.28 policies you sell all year, your commission will be maybe $300-$500, less all your expenses. Absolutely disgraceful that there are companies like this out there. They sold me on it, and even managed to sell me on signing up for their life insurance. I was in a group with a few other people who agreed to sign on as well. Once again, most people need financial help to get where they want to be. I checked my watch. I dug and dug until I found which is the new recruit site. He told us the incredibly vague story of how he managed to get one individual from $20,000 in credit card debt down to zero and then into a mutual fund with a 9% interest rate. He acted surprised that I had not. Was this review helpful? Most will say no, but I just want to help them get answers and maybe I can get them a solution. Term insurance gets expensive if you have to buy it each year, and investing in mutual funds is OK if you can ride out a bear market. Fortunately, my paralysis didnt last long. They contacted me last week and after the first decline the Recruiter called me back to give more information and requested that I come in for a presentation and make a formed decision after seeing the presentation. Here we go another scam, let me play along The gentleman got on the phone, I think his name was John, again muffled but I really didnt care what his name was, this wasnt going to last very long. I had a few drinks the night before. (Of course, I would also counsel any folks I recruited to the effect that starting with Primerica part-time is the route to avoid disappointment.). Based in Duluth, Georgia, PFS Investments is regulated by both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Naturally, none of this sounded normal. She wore a black cocktail dress and quite a bit of jewelry. Got invited to a "meeting" at their office. At worst it means you have a poor product or poor reputation which is most likely deserved. They WILL continue to call you even after you have said no. Lever term is obtainable from top rated companies for far less money. Took a few days of being put off, appointments came up, etc, but finally we were sitting in his office, my stack of resumes in front of him, me sitting eagerly poised to take notes. And if your not going to show up to an appointment just say so, dont be a child and say ill be there and not show. Unlimited income potential. MLM is not about work ethic. I replied BJs (actual restaurant thats very good). He said well if someone were to tell you i can supply you with all the equipment to cook, but you would have to build your own client tale it wouldnt do to well right off the bat right? i said agreed then he replied well thats what i can help you with. About a week later she calls me. So then i asked him thru Facebook and he said no and now im here and im so glad i am. Again why have they not been charged if they are doing something illegal? I went to the first interview today. Thanks everyone for your honesty! I got a call after meeting with someone from the workforce. When I sat down with the guy, it felt less like an interview and more like a sales pitch like you guys said. (Formerly pre-paid Legas Services, membership I have had for 16 years. Instead my thoughts were screaming through my mind.. really, what was John doing in there?! B . No, its not defamation. There was some meeting in another room which cheering and whoops could be easily overheard. The theory is this approach will provide a greater rate of return compared to the paid-up dividends of a whole life policy. My Lyft driver actually was the one who told me I should come by his office but didnt mention what he actually did (broken record much lol). Hmmmm.. Said that I was really great with people. Having professional licenses paid for by a company and given the tools and resources to build a book of business on a part or full time basis is a wonderful opportunity for the right people. Some of the stories and comments above have been really sad. All the money being made in the quick amount of time. Im canceling my interview for tomorrow. The recruiter may actually be vague in most cases when trying to get people to come check out the company but that doesnt mean they the information you will get about saving for retirement, etc is false or lies. I got referred to Primerica by a fellow friend of mine. For the person who did have a comment pro Primerica, I am adding this link: Well! I just received a call earlier today. I noticed $99 needs to be paid. Thank you so much. And if done ethically, sales is a service so dont mask your phone pitch as helping out people financially. If people have to pay for your help, you are selling. He then tried to get my bank account info right after and I just barely made it out of that. And i was highly qualified for one of their positions. The woman who did the phone interview was very nice but once I got off I didnt even recall what the job was really about and realized she set me up in a few days for an in person group interview. And they didnt really seem to give a sh&* that I was cancelling. She sits me down and she gives me usual scripted mumbo jumbo how Primerica gets people out of dept through education, and how their life insurance policy covers families and how I can make $1500+ only working about 15 hours a month. This is a multi-location business. I got the appointment with out know the many of the company, when I got there the girl asked to fill out a form with what I wanted as my career how much money I wanted to make ect, Brokerage Firm Regulated by FINRA (Atlanta district office) IA. Being very analytical, I would have not had a good interview with another manager in a different company. File a complaint about an investment or an investment account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). its a mess! Thanks for this post. Their 6 digit earners boast is misleading as its a cumulative, not annual figure. The MLM company has all the power and they just sit there and watch the money roll in while their distributors lose. The location seemed extremely sketchy too. They are not giving you a job! A real boss wouldnt be furious with me for honest fumbling. The annuities and mutual funds are sold via a licensed dealer and broker called PFS Investments. She told me that she was expanding her business, she worked in financial services, and was looking to hire people. I mumbled something about Ill see what I can do said my goodbyes, and bowed out. The SEC found that PFS Investments Inc. had failed to have in place effective policies and procedures to follow up adequately on three complaints received about the Dearborn registered representatives, "selling away" activities. Just dont give up! Recruiting is not mandatory, as you can make a great income with sales (once licensed as per local regulations, which is what the 99 is for). Apparently, his company helped a lot of families who couldnt afford such help otherwise. he never gave me the company name just the address and I thought it was a company I applied to on indeed but it wasnt as soon as I got there I seen on the door primerica then I turned around and went home my friend told me about them its like a pyramid scam they want you to put money into their business and promises you will make money. As of 7 hours i have been in Primerica, I do understand what everyone is saying about it. It must be weekly, I thought to myself, no way thats monthly? For 5 years, Primerica has been paid automatically from my bank account. No, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. If anyone has been approached, RUN!!!! A person with certain negatives in their background cannot work in the industry. However, it does not mean that because it is legal that the company' structure is not shape like a pyramid. Why? Throughout the presentation I grew more and more skeptical. Im not going to bother saying anything else since you all are just looking for a reason to not go. I just went on a interview yesterday June 22nd I have been with Primerica for almost a year. Auto & Homeowners Insurance 4. It was basically a skype interview, although it was a group interview (which they didnt tell me) and nobody else in the group showed up. Dont listen to the nonsense check out Primerica yourself! He noticed, and must have read my mind because he said in an argumentative way, hey, I need something to show for my time too right. So upset. That drives traffic to this page, where potential victims are getting the real story and are able to avoid the company! Being lied to in order to get the person in for something that isnt even an interview is wrong, and therefore the person is a victim. The agent was a very nice Italian-American woman who actually knew something about financial services. I did not show up to the interview, after 30 minutes passed from my scheduled interview I got a call again from the VP. I pasted a smile on my face and said of course, hes expecting you, he just stepped out for a few minutes though inside I was fuming. I am so glad I found these comments it saved me the time of going to somewhere that was not what it was suppose to be. You all invite me here to interrogate me about more people just to get mad and be rude to me. More importantly, I never found out why the middle-schoolers were there! He said either way hed be expecting me tomorrow at 3:30pm. 4. She starts explaining an elaborate scheme to sell insurance, basically, to poor people. She lost her job and became an easy target from a fast-talking recruiter that filled her head with a pipe dream. He took me into his office, well his office with like 3 other employers who probably shared it, there was like 4 desks and we sat in a tiny corner desk. I left indicating this was not for me, but wasted valuable time for something, from the on-set, which I indicated was not at all of interest, on her pretense it was a support job. They were put off because when they ask if anyone had any questions, I raised my arms and stated above. We were to ask them for a penny (hoping it would be a new penny because those are weaker/thinner than the old ones), and with the new penny we were to use the best cutting scissors ever to cut easily into the penny.